Cutie (Sohee x Reader)

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Y/N was best friends with Sohee but they secretly loved him. Sohee was kind and talented and so cute so Y/N had naturally fallen in love with him.
"Hi cutie!" Y/N said as Sohee walked in the school.
"Hi..." Sohee replied shyly. He sat down next to Y/N. Y/N leaned closer to him and held his hand. Sohee blushed and looked away. Y/N decided to talk to him about their class so they both started talking until it was time to go to their first class of the day.

"It's obvious that they like you," Sungchan said to Sohee.
"No they don't. They're just trying to be nice because we're best friends," Sohee replied.
"Oh really? Then why do they always call you cute and hold your hand?"
"We've been doing that forever, it's no big deal," Sohee replied embarrassed.
"Okay then what about when Y/N-"
"Sohee! Come here!" Y/N interrupted. Sohee ran over to them and they both hugged each other.
"Hi cutie! I missed you!" Y/N said.
"Umm can I talk to you alone for a second?" Sohee asked. Y/N nodded.
"I'll leave you two alone..." Sungchan said. And with that, he walked away.
Sohee sighed. "Why do you always call me cutie and be so affectionate with me?"
"Because you're my best friend cutie," Y/N replied, holding his hand.
"Really? That's it?" Sohee asked sadly.
Y/N sighed. "....No....I just....I'll admit it. I like you Sohee. I'm kind of in love with you..."
Sohee smiled. "Good because I love you too." He pulled Y/N closer and kissed them.
"Be mine cutie?" Y/N asked.
"Of course!"
They both hugged each other.
"I love you Y/N," Sohee said.
Y/N smiled. "I love you too cutie."


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