Awkward (Anton x Reader)

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Anton and Y/N have an awkward relationship, let's just put it that way.

"I like your shoes!" Anton said to Y/N.
"Thank you!" Y/N replied happily.
"Are they comfortable? I was thinking of buying some."
"You were thinking of buying high heels?" Y/N replied confused.
Anton mentally slapped himself. "No I meant not for me I meant uhh for my mom yeah."
Y/N just smiled and shook their head.
"So, how's school going?" Anton asked, changing the subject.
"Good! I got a 100% on my last exam. What about you?"
"Yeah it's going well."
"Y/N....can I be honest with you?" Anton asked.
Y/N thought that this was the moment he would confess and slightly felt excited.
"Sure," Y/N said.
"I think our conversations are boring," Anton said.
Y/N frowned. "You do? Well if that's how you feel then I guess you shouldn't talk to me anymore."
Y/N sadly ran away. Anton sighed sadly. That wasn't what he meant. He didn't mean to be rude, he just wanted Y/N to open up to him more.

Anton didn't see Y/N until two days later. He ran up to them and they seemed angry.
"Y/N I'm so sorry about the other day," Anton said.
"Good. You should be," Y/N replied coldly.
"Will you please just give me one more chance? I promise I'll stop being awkward."
"I don't know..."
"Look, the only reason I got mad was because I wanted you to open up to me more. I wanted to be your best friend...or maybe more than that."
Y/N looked surprised. "So you..."
"I like you Y/N. But I know I probably ruined my chances," Anton said sadly.
Y/N smiled slightly. "You didn't ruin anything. And I like you too."
It was time to go to class now so they both had to leave.
"Yes?" Y/N replied.
"Would you want to go on a date on Saturday?"
Y/N smiled. "I would love to."
And with that, they both hugged each other and parted ways.


Author: Want a part 2 with their date?

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