Yours (Anton x Requested OC)

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Anton was best friends with Laila and the two did everything together. They practically lived together because they saw each other every day.
Their friendship was very unique as Laila was very extroverted while Anton was very shy.

It all started when...

"WHO WANTS TO BE MY PARTNER?!" Laila shouted in English class. Most of the class thought she was too loud and ignored her but then someone walked up to her.
"I'll be your partner," Anton said.
And basically the rest is history. The two became best friends and they spent tons of time together.

Laila was cuddling with Anton as they watched a movie at her house. There was one problem though: Anton was in love with her but he didn't want to ruin their friendship so he kept it a secret.
Laila on the other hand was not the type to keep secrets so she decided to be brave and say what was on her mind.
"I love you," Laila said.
Anton didn't respond.
"...It's okay. You don't have to love me ba-"
"I love you too," Anton said as he finally became confident.
They both hugged each other.
"I was too afraid to tell you before because I didn't want to ruin our friendship," Anton said.
"You wouldn't ruin anything. I love you and we'll always be best friends no matter what," Laila replied.
They both kissed each other. Anton blushed and looked down shyly.
"You're so cute," Laila said.
"No you are."
"No you are!"
They both laughed and hugged each other, completely forgetting about the movie.


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