Fake Husband Part 3 (Sohee x Reader and Anton x ???)

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Author: Yay a 3rd and final part!🥳This part takes place after Sohee's good ending and Anton's bad ending. I promise I'll have an Eunseok fanfic out after this.😂

🧡Sohee x Y/N🧡
Y/N was talking to a bunch of other people that were dating SM idols when someone walked up behind them. Y/N turned to see Sohee smiling at her.
"Hey cutie!" Y/N said.
"Y/N I need to talk to you alone," Sohee said.
"Oh no are you breaking up with me?"
"Actually not at all. I ummm I got you a gift..."
"Awww you didn't need to get me anything! You're so sweet!"
They both walked outside.
"It's two things actually. Here's the first one." Sohee handed them a box. Y/N opened it to find a necklace with a pink heart on it.
"Awww I love it! Thank you!"
"And here's the second one."
He handed them an even bigger box.
"Wow this is giant. What could possibly be...a puppy!"
Y/N opened the box and saw a white fluffy puppy inside. They had always dreamed of getting a puppy but never could.
"Awww! I think I'm going to name him Marshmallow!" Y/N said as they hugged the puppy.
Sohee hugged them. "Now we're a little family!"
Y/N smiled. "I love you so much."
Sohee hugged them. " I love you too."

🧡Anton x ???🧡
Later, Anton walked back into the party sadly.
"I'm going back home," he said to Y/N. He was fighting back tears.
"Did something happen?" Y/N asked.
"Z got engaged to Seunghan..."
"Seriously?! Seunghan is awful."
"Not to her. She loves him," Anton replied sadly.
"I'm so sorry Anton. Maybe you'll find someone better," Y/N replied. Just then, Sohee called Y/N and they walked away.
Anton looked down angrily. "I don't want someone else..."

"Anton I have good news!" Y/N said. RIIZE was getting ready for a concert rehearsal in their dorm.
"I don't really care about you and Sohee," Anton replied sadly as he watched Z and Seunghan hug each other.
"Fine then, you'll figure it out yourself. But I wasn't talking about me and Sohee," Y/N replied.

After everyone got ready, they headed to the concert hall for rehearsal. The concert was tomorrow and everything had to be perfect. Since Y/N and Z were dating Sohee and Seunghan, they got to come to rehearsals and watch everyone perform.
Anton walked over to Z only to find she was sitting with some random girl.
"Your outfit is ugly," Anton said.
"Thanks," Z replied, not bothering to look up from her phone.
"Seunghan doesn't love you. Why would he love someone like you?" Anton said coldly.
"Um maybe because Z is kind and cool unlike you. She doesn't like you so just stay away from her. You have no right to be mean to her just because she doesn't like you back," the other girl said angrily.
Anton looked at the girl angrily. "Who even are you? You're not allowed here."
"I'm Adeline, Z's best friend....and your new choreographer."
"Funny joke. Shotaro is our choreographer," Anton replied.
"Not anymore. He decided it was too much for him so now he's just another member of your group," Adeline replied.
Anton just rolled his eyes and walked away.

Later, Adeline was helping RIIZE with the choreography.
"Okay everyone, for the entrance, you guys are coming out of the stage and-"
"Why are you talking so quietly? Literally nobody can hear you," Anton said coldly.
"If you can't hear me then you need to move closer to the front of the stage," Adeline replied.
RIIZE laughed and Anton looked embarrassed.
This went on for the entire hour until finally Adeline had enough. She let everyone else go on break except Anton.
"If you don't want to be here then you should quit. You clearly hate being an idol," Adeline said.
"Actually I just hate you," Anton replied.
"Again, QUIT. There's nothing else you could really do," Adeline replied.
"I'm not quitting because of you. If anything, you'll quit because of me."
"Oh really?" Adeline asked.
Anton grabbed her and pulled her into a kiss. For once Adeline seemed shocked.
"If I date you will you behave?" Adeline asked.
"Maybe," Anton replied.
Adeline smiled and pulled him into another kiss.
Z and Seunghan smiled at each other as they watched them.
"My plan worked!" Z said happily.


Author: If you wanted Z to end up with Anton, go read my other RIIZE fanfic called Eyes On You. They're kinda evil but they are dating in the story.😅🥰🧡

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