New Home (Sohee x Reader)

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Y/N walked into their new house and smiled. They had just bought a house with their boyfriend Sohee and were extremely excited to move in with him.
"Let's go shopping. We need to get food," Sohee said as he walked in. The two had just finished unpacking their house.
They both drove to the store and when they arrived Y/N took a shopping cart and started grabbing different items. Meanwhile Sohee ran up and down the isles.
"Do we need this bread? What about these chips? Oh! How about some cupcakes? And we need water, and lemonade, and fruit and-"
"Woah slow down! We have plenty of time to get everything we need. Now let's check the grocery list," Y/N said.
They both bought everything they needed and many more things so by the time they got home, they had 3 carts full of stuff.
"I think we over bought things," Sohee said.
"And who's fault was that?" Y/N asked.
Sohee laughed embarrassed and looked down.
"Come on, let's put everything away and then we can watch a movie and have dinner," Y/N said.
They both put the groceries away and then picked a movie to watch. They both cuddled together on the couch.
"How did I get so lucky to be with someone so precious like you?" Y/N asked as they hugged Sohee.
"I should be the one asking that. You're beautiful inside and out. If anything I'm the lucky one," Sohee said.
"You're so sweet and cute. I love you my Sohee."
"I love you more Y/N."
They both kissed each other and went back to watching the movie.

After the movie, the two ate pizza for dinner and then got ready for bed. They both laid down in bed next to each other and cuddled together.
"I can't believe we live together now," Sohee said.
"Me neither. I like living with you though," Y/N replied.
"I like living with you too. But...promise me you won't leave me?"
Y/N looked at Sohee who looked like he was going to cry.
"I would never leave you baby. I love you too much," Y/N said.
Sohee smiled. "That's good because I love you too."
"We should get some rest now," Y/N said.
"Yeah. Good night my love," Sohee said.
Y/N kissed his forehead. "Good night."
And with that, they both fell asleep together for the first time.


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