Love At First Slice (Sungchan x Reader)

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Author: This one's disgustingly sweet.😭It's inspired by my crush who is the same height as Sungchan and works at a pizza place.

Sungchan worked at a pizza place because his favorite food was pizza and his dad owned the restaurant. Things were honestly pretty boring for Sungchan as all he did was make pizzas but one day something changed.

A gorgeous person walked into the pizza place with their family and sat down.
"Sungchan, we're short a waiter today. Could you go serve that table?" Sungchan's dad asked him.
Sungchan looked at the gorgeous person who was reading the menu.
"O-Okay," Sungchan replied nervously.
He walked over to the table and Y/N looked up from the menu and smiled at him. Sungchan wanted to die right then and there.
"H-Hi. I'm Sungchan and I'll be your waiter. Can I get you guys anything to drink?" Sungchan said, trying to hide his nervousness.
"I'll have a water," Y/N's mom said.
"I'll have an iced tea," Y/N's dad said.
"I'll have a water as well," Y/N said.
Sungchan wrote everything down. "I'll have that out in just a moment."
He ran towards the kitchen and got the drinks.

"He's cute. You should ask him out," Y/N's dad said to Y/N.
"He's probably already dating someone," Y/N replied sadly.
Just then, Sungchan came back with the drinks.
"So, what would you all like to eat?" Sungchan asked.
Author: You.😏Sorry, I'll see myself out now...😂😂😂

"We'll have one large pepperoni pizza," Y/N's mom said.
"Great choice! I'll have it out in a few minutes," Sungchan replied. He went to the kitchen and told them the order.

Y/N and their family were eating their pizza when Sungchan walked over.
"How's the pizza?" Sungchan asked.
"It's the best!" Y/N's dad replied happily.
"I think we have the best pizza here. But I might be a bit biased since my dad owns the restaurant," Sungchan replied smiling.
"Your dad owns this place? That's so cool!" Y/N said.
Sungchan smiled. "Yep. And I'm lucky because pizza is my favorite food."
"Mine too!" Y/N said.
"Well then you should definitely come back. I usually make the pizzas though so you probably won't see me," Sungchan said.
"Then maybe you could make a special pizza just for me," Y/N replied.
"I definitely will!"
They both smiled at each other.
"You know, Y/N is available this weekend. Maybe you two could-"
"Dad! Be quiet!" Y/N said embarrassed.
Sungchan laughed. "Honestly, if you're free you can stop by here. I can make you that pizza you wanted and we could share it."
Y/N smiled and laughed. "Really? I would love that!"
They both smiled at each other and said goodbye, both of them now excited for next weekend.


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