Blocked (Sungchan x Reader and Wonbin x Reader)

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Author: Feel free to request a story with your own OC!🥰🧡

Y/N had always had a crush on Sungchan. But sometimes they took things too far...

Y/N intensely stared at Sungchan during their English class which made Sungchan uncomfortable because they did this every day. Sungchan just went back to talking to his friend Wonbin and tried to ignore Y/N.

But later that day, Sungchan heard Y/N talking to their friends.
"Sungchan is so cuteeeeee! I just want to kiss him!" Y/N said.
Sungchan rolled his eyes and walked away.

Y/N was scrolling through social media when they decided to check Sungchan's account for the fifth time today. But the only problem was...they couldn't find it. Y/N eventually realized that they had been blocked and was extremely hurt. They went to school the next day to find only Wonbin sitting in the same row as them.
"Where's Sungchan?" Y/N asked him.
"Oh he switched classes. Uhh I don't think I should tell you why..." Wonbin replied.
"It's because of me isn't it?"
Wonbin nodded sadly.
"Wow. I can't believe he'd be that immature," Y/N said angrily.
Wonbin looked surprised. "He was just trying to be safe."
"He really thinks I would do something to him?! What an idiot!"
"Calm down Y/N-"
"No. I'm going home. You all are losers," Y/N said angrily. They sadly ran away.

Y/N faced their fear and went back to English class the next day. They sat next to Wonbin who looked sad.
"Wonbin I'm sorry about yesterday," Y/N said.
"It's okay. I'd be mad too if my crush was afraid of me," Wonbin replied.
"It just feels awful that Sungchan hates me so much."
"If it helps...I don't hate you."
Y/N smiled. "Thanks. You're really nice."
"You are too. You don't deserve someone like Sungchan."
They both hugged each other.
" you maybe want to meet me after school?"
"Sure!" Y/N replied.

Wonbin and Y/N met up and got coffee together. But just then, someone walked by.
"Sungchan? What are you doing here?" Wonbin asked.
"I just wanted to apologize to Y/N. I was really mean and I shouldn't have gone so far. I'm sorry," Sungchan said.
Y/N smiled. "It's okay. I forgive you."
"But you're with Wonbin now?..."
Wonbin and Y/N nodded.
And with that, Sungchan walked away and Y/N and Wonbin continued their date.


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