Clingy (Wonbin x Reader)

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Y/N woke up with someone hugging them and smiled. Their boyfriend Wonbin was extremely clingy but Y/N found it cute.
"Come on baby let's get up," Y/N said.
Wonbin moved closer to them and cuddled with them.
"Baby let's go," Y/N said.
Wonbin pouted. "Fine."
They both got up and got dressed and Y/N went to go make breakfast. Wonbin came up behind them and hugged them.
"I love you so much," Wonbin said.
Y/N smiled. "I love you too cutie."
They both ate breakfast and then went to their university. They only had one class today and they both were in the same class so they both sat next to each other. Wonbin barely paid attention to the class because he was busy hugging Y/N. Y/N smiled and held his hand.

After class the two went back home and Y/N started doing their homework. Wonbin picked Y/N up and held them. Y/N laughed.
"Go do your work," Y/N said.
"I want to help you first," Wonbin replied.
"Alright. You can help me study."
They both studied for a few hours and then Wonbin started doing his own work (not without staying with Y/N of course).

After they finished their work, they both ate dinner and got ready for bed. They both laid down in bed together and cuddled.
"I love you my baby," Wonbin said.
"I love you more," Y/N replied. They both kissed each other good night and eventually Wonbin fell asleep.
Y/N smiled. "You're the best boyfriend ever."
And with that, they went to bed themself.


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