Annoying (Sungchan x Reader)

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Author: Here's a rare angst story.😢🥰😂

Sungchan constantly annoys Y/N by following them around and talking nonstop about himself. He never bothers to ask Y/N how they're doing and instead just always talks about himself. Y/N wondered every day about why they agreed to date this guy.

Sungchan was walking with Y/N out in the park when he started talking about himself again. Y/N was feeling anxious all week because they had tons of final exams coming up but Sungchan didn't know because he never bothered to ask.
"You know who's the best person in the world?" Sungchan said.
"Who?" Y/N asked, thinking he was going to say them.
"Shotaro. He's the best!" Sungchan replied.
"Anyways, how are you doing?" Sungchan asked.
Y/N was surprised. "Actually I'm-"
"Oh I forgot to tell you that I-"
Y/N had enough. "You don't care about me, do you?"
"What? Of course I care about you!"
"Then how come today was the first time you asked how I was doing?"
"Just because I don't ask doesn't mean I don't care," Sungchan said.
"Uhh yes it does..."
"Well I do care so that's that," Sungchan said.
"You're too selfish," Y/N said.
"I'm not selfish! I just have a lot to tell you...about me..."
"Whatever. You don't get it," Y/N said angrily.
"Y/N why are you getting so mad at me?"
"Because you're acting ridiculous! I wish I had never-ugh never mind."
"You wish you had never dated me? Because if that's true then we're over," Sungchan said angrily.
"Fine then. I never wanted to be with you anyways," Y/N said angrily.
Y/N ran off and went back home. They felt relieved in a weird way. Now that Sungchan was gone, they could focus on themself and maybe find someone better...someone who cared about them.

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