Chapter Five: Rescued

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Revan is waking up, feeling drowsy, he slowly starts to get to his feet. Only to realise that he has cuffed and collared, blue electric beam emanating from them, preventing him from use the force, hooked with a chain to the wall. Count Dooku walks in, regarding the Jedi with a measure of pity and worry. 

Dooku: My dear boy, I do hope your alright, this has been a terrible mistake. I will petition to have you set free immediately.

Revan: (Drowsy) Where am I? where is Obi-Wan?

Dooku: You are in a prison cell, and so Obi-Wan. But do not worry he is unharmed, guards release this man.

Two Geonosians come into the cell, one stands guard while the other takes the chains off, Dooku realises that Revan notices he still has the cuffs and collar on.

Dooku: For precaution, my boy. I don't need me or my colleagues getting hurt. Come, let's take a walk, we shall discuss these matters.

Count Dooku and Revan, followed by the Geonosian guards, walk out of the cell and go into a large corridor. 

Dooku: I see the Jedi Council decided to let you join the Order, it might've been smartest thing they've done in a long time.

Dooku stops walking, as he pulls out Revan's lightsaber and ignites it.

Dooku: A great weapon for a skilled warrior, like yourself.

Dooku turns off the lightsaber, Revan changes the subject.

Revan: why did you leave the Order, I understand you had your differences with the Council, but why did you really leave?

Dooku: I lost faith in Republic and the Jedi because of the corruption, I believe them to be tied together in a corrupt Web, so I left. You must see Revan, the corruption that is within the Republic!

Revan: I do, I see the corruption that is in the Republic.

Dooku smiles at this.

Dooku: Good, that's good. You must join me, Revan, and together we can take down the Republic and it's corruption!!

Revan thinks for a moment.

Revan: No, I won't.

Dooku looks solemn at this.

Revan: I believe their is corruption, yes. But I also believe that their are people within the Republic that strive to make it better.

Dooku: it's ashamed that this is what you have chosen, I'm disappointed. Guards, take this man back to his cell.

The guards grab him, and pull him back to his cell. The chains go back as the guards leave the cell, closing it on their way out. Revan sits down in a meditating stance, hoping that Obi-Wan and BD are alright.


Anakin pilots the craft straight down into a column, flying through the steam and landing at the bottom.

Anakin and Padme get up from their seats and head for the ship's hatch. 

Padme: Look, whatever happens out there, follow my lead. I'm not interested in getting into a war here. As a member of the Senate, maybe I can find a diplomatic solution to this mess. 

Anakin: Don't worry. I've give up trying to argue with you. 

R2 gives a plaintive wail. 

Threepio: My obtuse little friend. If they had needed our help, they would have asked for it. You obviously have a great deal to learn about human behavior.

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