Chapter Fourteen: Battle Of Khorm Part Two

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Revan was lying down on a see through platform, which looks like water, he was wearing his Jedi robes, no longer wearing his winter gear and in bandages. Revan opens his eyes looking around, he quickly gets up off the floor freaking out, and starts looking around the open area, which he see's multiple other platforms and what looks like door ways.

Revan: what is this place? How did I get here?

???: An answer we'll find out soon enough.

Revan turns around to the voice and his eye's go wide, revealing it to be none other than Qui-Gon Jinn, his hands in his arm robes and a warm smile on his face.

Revan: Qui-Gon? (smiles widely) Is that really you?

Qui-Gon: Yes it is, Revan. You've change so much, no longer that young man I met back on Tatooine, but a fully fledged Jedi.

Revan: Just like you wanted, for both me and Ani.

Qui-Gon: And for that, I am glad. Come now, let us walk, we have much to discuss.


Wolffe, Ozzel, Comet, Boost and Revan were stuck inside a cell in the compound. Their blasters, helmets, commlinks were taken away from them.

Boost, Comet, and Wolffe were working on a panel next to the door, Boost began to work on the wiring below it while Wolffe kept a lookout. Ozzel was sitting against the far wall, while Revan was next to him, lying on the ground unconscious.

Boost: Comet, hold that junction breaker open while I rewire the circuit. With any luck, the lock will reset.

Ozzel: I had no choice. I had to tell her about the Jedi.

Wolffe: You should have kept your mouth shut, sir.

Ozzel: I did it to save your lives, you ungrateful-

Wolffe: No. You did it to save your life. General Revan would rather risk his own life, just so we could finish the mission, and thanks to you, the Generals and our brothers are in greater danger. If their mission fails, this entire campaign was for nothing.

Ozzel: Mind your place, Trooper. I am your superior officer, and I have friends in high places.

Boost finally gets the cell doors open. 

Wolffe: No doubt. Grab the General, we're getting out of here. Let's move!

Wolffe, Ozzel, Comet, Boost grab their gear right outside the cell, and make their escape.


Revan and Qui-Gon are walking on one of the platforms while talking to each other.

Revan: Qui-Gon, I've meaning to ask. What is this place? How am I here?

Qui-Gon: The only way I can describe it is as a place between time and space, connected to the Force. And how you got here, your physical body is still with the living, while your spiritual body is here with me right now, ( chuckles ) and well, you were meant to be here. at this moment of time.

Revan: So what is my purpose here?

Qui-Gon: I'll show you, take a look.

Qui-Gon and Revan both stop walking and look towards what looks like a portal.

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