Chapter Twenty-One: Return To Geonosis

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Revan stood beside Obi-Wan on the bridge of one of the many Republic Cruisers, staring out of the viewport at the planet of Geonosis, waiting for Anakin and Ki-Adi Mundi. Revan and Obi-Wan are both having some unwelcome and unpleasant memories of this planet, memories that were best left buried. They have arrived with six dozen Acclamator's, four dozen Venator star destroyers and more than a million Republic clone troopers to retake Geonosis.

Obi-Wan: I cannot believe that we're back here again.

Revan: I know. It seems like only yesterday we were fighting for our lives in the Geonosian Arena. I still don't know why we need Master Mundi or Master Luminara for this invasion. Me, you and Anakin could handle it on our own.

Obi-Wan: The Council believes that it would be best to have a more Jedi on this mission. Geonosis is known for its advanced technology and we cannot underestimate our enemies.

Revan: I understand their concerns, but we've faced far greater threats than a few droids and a few bugs before. And besides, we've worked better with each other.

Revan wasn't liking the idea of having more Jedi joining them on this mission. He was used to working in a small team, and the thought of having more people to answer to didn't sit well with him. Plus, Revan and Ki-Adi Mundi had never seen eye to eye, making the situation even more uncomfortable for him.

Obi-Wan: We must put our personal feelings aside and focus on the mission at hand. We cannot afford any distractions.

Ki-Adi Mundi is the first to arrive as he walks over to Revan and Obi-Wan.

Mundi: Master Revan, Master Obi-Wan, it's good to see you both.

Revan gives a curt nod in response, not wanting to engage in any unnecessary conversation.

Mundi: I hope we're all ready for this?

Obi-Wan: Of course, Master Mundi. We are always ready for a challenge.

The doors behind them hissed open, allowing Anakin and Ahsoka to stroll inside.

Revan: (to Anakin) You're late, I had to send Ahsoka to go and find you, what took you so long?

Anakin: Sorry about that, I was busy routing the Seppies near Dorin. (cocky voice) My squadron got a hundred-thirty-one kills.

Ahsoka: (rolls eyes) Show off.

Revan: (smiles proudly) Not bad, not bad at all. We're going to need all the help we can get on this one.

Obi-Wan: (serious tone) Well I'm glad you two are enjoying yourselves.

Obi-Wan reprimanded them both. This mission was no time for lightheartedness.

Revan: (serious tone) He's right. We need to focus on the task at hand.

Obi-Wan: (grimly sigh) Look, what I'm worried about is the way this war seems to be drawing out with no end in sight.

Obi-Wan strokes his chin in contemplation.

Mundi: Which is why it is crucial our invasion of Geonosis is met with success.

Revan: Ahsoka, contact the Outer Rim command, we're ready for our briefing.

Ahsoka: (smiling) They're already waiting for us.

The group of Jedi leave the bridge, making their way to the briefing room. As they arrive, they see holograms of Yoda, Mace, Luminara and Palpatine. Obi-Wan starts the briefing.

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