II. FredBear's

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Once you reach the entrance of the diner, you realize your mother gave you no money. "Damnit." You mutter under your breath.

"What did you say?" B1/N asks, gasping. "Nothing, B1/N! Let's just go on in." You sigh, pushing the two small boys into the building.

"Wow!" B2/N says, amazement sparkling in his eyes as he looks around, "Come on you two, we need to go figure out how to get stuff for the games." You say, leading the two to the front counter.

Once you reach the counter, you see a boy with long brown hair, well just longer than his shoulder, in a sort of wolf-cut looking way. He had blue eyes, you realized once he turned towards you. He smiles half-heartedly, 

"What do you need?" He asks, looking down at the two boys like he already knows, "And how come I've never seen you before?" He raises an eyebrow, pursing his lips as if trying to correlate you to somewhere he could've seen you. 

"Uh, well, we just moved here. And I mean literally, we just pulled into our driveway before I came here with these two," You offer an exhausted smile, "These are my two brothers, and we just need to find out how to get the coins for the games." The boy nods, "K, makes sense." He says simply.

He doesn't help you get the coins, just stands there holding awkward eye contact with you.

"Are.. You gonna tell me?" You ask, raising an eyebrow in a confused manner. "Oh. Right, I forgot." He pauses, "Well, how many are you wanting? Are they sharing or getting their own?" He asks, strumming his fingers over the glass counter full of small prizes.

You think for a second, knowing that you're going to have to spend your own money on these coins, since your mom gave you no money. "Our own! Our own!" The two boys start chanting in unison.

You roll your eyes, "Please, Y/N! We'll be the best brothers ever! Please!" They plead, "Oh my god, fine." You cave. The brunette boy behind the counter looks you up and down, "They seem like a handful," He mutters under his breath, barely letting you hear. 

"You can say that again." You mutter a laugh, pulling your wallet out of the back pocket of your jeans. "What's with the, uh, mask?" You ask, motioning up to the fox mask on the boys head. "Nothin', just a little thing from my dad." He responds vaguely, quickly continuing with another question, "So.. How many coins you want?" He asks.

"Uh, 30..? I don't know," You shrug, pursing your lips into a tight line. "Each? Whoo. Okay." He chuckles. "That'll be $15 bucks, New Kid." 

You sigh, rolling your eyes. "These boys are lucky I'm spending any money on them." You then raise your eyebrow at the nickname, but decide against saying anything about it. 

You hand the money over, and the boy exchanges it for two cups of coins. You smile thankfully at him, stuffing your wallet back into the pocket of your jeans. "Alright boys, lets go play, yeah?" You smile sweetly at the two, handing the cups of coins to them.

"Yes! Y/N! You're the greatest sister ever!" B2/N shouts, "Okay! Okay, I know I am, but be quieter, please." You giggle, following the two boys around to their first game that they choose. This game happens to be a claw machine, which no doubt, you are probably the best at.

"Y/N, please help me, B2/N has already won a toy, I want one too." Your brother whines. You smile sympathetically down at the small boy, "I suppose." You tap him on the nose, grabbing some of the coins and putting them into the machine. 

All the while, the mysterious boy at the counter watches you, analyzing how sweet you are to your brothers, though you talked about them like you hated them. "Interesting," He thought to himself.

You win your brother a small toy, "There you go, Rockstar." You smile down at the boy. "Thank you, thank you, thank you Y/N!!" He yells wrapping his small body around your waist.

"Of course, now lets go find another game for you two to play before B2/N gets bored out of his mind." You laugh softly at the two, pushing them lightly to find another game to play.

Once they have found their next game you lean against the machine, looking around the small diner. There are two animatronics on the stage, which you assume are FredBear, and whoever the bunny guy is. You continue looking when all of a sudden you hear, "Michael!" A group of boys wearing different animals masks, like the guy from the counter, enter and run up to that same boy. "Oh. Makes sense." You think to yourself. "So his name is Michael," You continue to watch the boys interact, Michael seems much more alive around the three others.

Michael finishes his sentence and then looks over to you, immediately averting your gaze away from him. Your cheeks flush in embarrassment, you did not want the boy thinking that you were checking him out, especially with an entire group of boys around him. 

You look for your brothers and see that they have disappeared from their games, "B1/N? B2/N?" You mutter, worry beginning to settle in your stomach. It hadn't been that long had it? Their coin cups were gone, so they might have just gone off to find another game. "They wouldn't just leave without saying anything though.." You think to yourself, feeling your heartbeat increase. "Y/N! Look how many tickets we got!" You hear B2/N from behind you, immediately sighing in relief, "God, you two can't just run off like that, tell me before you go somewhere!"

The two look at each other in confusion, "We did.. We told you multiple times and you just muttered replies to us.." What? You would never do that, you would know if they were talking, and especially leaving. It was your job to take care of them. "No, no, I didn't hear you." You mutter again, "Was I really that zoned out?" You think to yourself.

"Whatever, can we go get our prizes? All of our coins are gone now." The two boys say sadly, almost as if they were trying to persuade their sister into buying them more coins. "Wow, you guys should be actors, because you almost had me feeling bad." You laugh, ruffling their hair, "Come on, Rockstars." You say, leading them back towards Michael and his friends at the counter.

"Hey New Kid, back already?" Michael flashes you a grin, seeming much different than he did when you first walked in. He must be wanting to show off in front of his friends, "Yeah, they spent those coins that quickly, crazy right?" You shake your head, a small smile on your L/C lips. 

You looked up at Michael, a small bit of H/C hair falling back behind your shoulders and tickling your neck. He nods, taking in your appearance completely, your H/L H/C hair, your E/C eyes, L/C lips, and S/C skin.

You turn around towards your brothers, leaning over a bit to look down at them, "Okay Rockstars, give him your tickets okay?" You smile sweetly, backing out of the way so they could hand him the tickets and get their prizes.

"Rockstars.. Alright." Michael laughs slightly to himself, taking the tickets from the two. "What would you Rockstars like?" Michael asks, looking up at you when he uses your nickname. 

You raise an eyebrow at him, holding the two cups that once contained coins, looking around for a trashcan to throw them in. You don't see one and play with the cups, pulling them in and out of each other when you see something on the side of one. A phone number.

You look up at Michael, your cheeks flushing a bit. You purse your lips into a line and look back down at the cups before he notices you staring him down.

"Y/N we got our prizes! Look!" B1/N says, shoving his new teddy in your face, "I see, what did you get B2/N?" You smile sweetly down at the two, seeing B2/N with a bunch of candy in his mouth, "I'm not even surprised," You giggle, "Alright, let's go Rockstars." You smile leading the boys off and out of the building. 

You look back at Michael once before leaving, but he was busy with his friends, a smirk on his face as he spoke.

Would you call the number, that you would presume to be Michael's?

"New Kid." --  Michael Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now