VI. Broken Records

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Your eyes widen at the sight of Michael in your beanbag, "For someone who doesn't like me much, you sure seem to show up in my room a lot."

Michael rolls his eyes, chewing on the inside of his cheek, "Whatever, I just don't want to be at home." You raise your eyebrow at his response, "Well you could hang out with your friends, they seem to be out a lot." You shrug, turning around to find a hair-tie.

Michael scoffs, "Sorry for trying to dim my hatred for you." He mutters, standing up and crawling out of the window.

You roll your eyes, relieved to finally be alone. But as soon as you open them, you see Michael coming back through your window, "How do you know where they are?" He asks, staring you down, biting the inside of his cheek again.

"They came up to me at the park." You say vaguely, not wanting to get into what was said. Michael raises an eyebrow, pursing his lips and nodding; the he exits the window and runs down the sidewalk to the park.

You sigh and fall down onto your bed, putting your forearm over your face. You had a problem with crying, not that you felt like you couldn't, you just couldn't get it out of you half of the time.

And it was always when you wanted to cry that you never could, and this made you feel oh-so worse.

You silently sat up, reaching for your Walkman, only to see that it was gone.

You hadn't brought it to the Afton's when you were babysitting, so where could it have gone? "Michael.." You then realized, he must've taken it while you weren't in the room, or turned around.

"Damnit!" You whisper yell, quickly jumping out of the window and running back to the park to hopefully, find Michael.

Once you reach the park, you do in fact find Michael. He was sitting with his friends, trading around your headphones and laughing.

Were they making fun of your music? You didn't care much, you just wanted the thing back.
"Michael," You call out.

He turns around, raising his eyebrow, but his voice remains neutral, "New kid." He replies, holding the Walkman behind his back,

"You've got some pretty interesting music taste, if I do say so myself." Michael tilts his head to the side, slowly showing off the device.

You roll your eyes, leaning down and reaching for the Walkman, only for Michael to throw it behind him, silently hoping that one of his friends happened to catch it.

"Michael!" You gasped, worry cracking in your voice,
"What's wrong? You want to listen to that horrible music?" He puffed his lip out, pouting up at the S/C girl.

His friend snickered as the one who had caught the device played the music in his ears, the one with the bunny mask.

"Michael, just give it back." You sighed, slowly tilting your head up towards the sky and running your hands over your face.

"Michael, you don't understand, just give the damn thing back." You put your hands on your hips, taking a deep breath to try and regain your confidence.

"Ohhh, cursing? You, New Kid?" Michael asked, getting up from the grass on the ground and making you look up from the now crazy height difference.

"Give the Walkman back!" You said, your voice getting a little louder. Michael scoffed and turned around towards his friend, reaching his hand out for the device.

Michael's friend tossed it to him, and Michal slyly threw it towards you, not giving you enough reaction time.

The Walkman fell to the ground with a loud crack, even though falling onto grass.

Your eyes widened, blinking back tears almost immediately. You looked up at Michael, your jaw slack.

He looked down at you with an accomplished grin on his face, "go on, New kid, shoo." He smiled politely, as if he hadn't just stated the harsh words.

You quickly turned around and stormed off, again not letting the tears fall, you knew you would regret it once you got home and were unable to get the tears back; but you would not cry in public.

You entered through the window you had left open in your room, not wanting to face your parents. You sighed when you saw the picture frame sitting on your dresser, it was of you and your late best friend.

She had given you the Walkman.

You slowly fell asleep once you fell slack in your bed, exhaustion taking over your brain.

"Y/N! Dinner! Come now, dear!" Your mother yelled, startling you awake.

You groaned and slowly arose from your bed, stomping to your bedroom door and out into the kitchen.

You sat down at the table next to your brothers, staring down at your plate as chatter began to spread amongst your family.

"Y/N? What did you do today? You didn't come and play with us at all." B2/N says, looking over to you and leaning his head in his hands.

"Oh, I just had to babysit and went on a walk, sorry, b2/N, I'll play with you two tomorrow, I promise." You smiled softly, ruffling the boys hair.

The two grinned at each other as dinner was finally passed around the table, everyone filled up their plates and ate.

You sat silently after finishing your food, "excuse me." You said, getting up from the table and bringing your food into the kitchen.

You quietly washed the plate and utensils from dinner, until you heard a bang on the window in front of the sink.

You immediately jumped backwards, dropping your fork into the sink.

You looked up out of the window, expecting to see Michael, but there was nothing.

And then there were rocks, rocks and pebbles being thrown at the window.

You rolled your eyes and flipped the window off, turning around and stomping off towards your room.

You sighed once you entered the room, closing the curtains, not wanting anymore distractions.

You grabbed a book you had read once before, but decided there would be no harm in reading it again, you just needed a distraction, not a bad one like Michael or his friends. Or what his friends do to people's things.

You opened the book, the small light emitting from my nightstand barely making the pages visible, but that didn't matter, you fell asleep on top of the book.

Author note!!

I didn't really want to write one of these, as I feel they're unprofessional.
I just wanted to say sorry for not uploading for so long, no one was reading my story and I got no motivation from the few reads.

I saw some two people vote and add to their libraries or something, and that sparked inspiration in me, so I will try to update more this weekend!! ❤️❤️

"New Kid." --  Michael Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now