IV. Late Night Knocks

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You rolled around in your bed, slowly awakening. Was your Walkman playing? What was that knocking sound?

You groaned and sat up, rubbing your eyes, looking around as your eyes adjusted to the dark.

You realized it was your window, worry bubbled in your stomach, you couldn't see who, or what it was, since you had already put your curtains up.

You quietly get out of bed and take a peak through the side of your curtains, you then realized it was raining. It was raining, hard. This made it even harder for you to see who it was, but you made the dumb decision to just open the window, it had been long enough.

"God, took you fucking long enough." You realize it was Michael's voice as he climbed into your window, "I didn't say you could come in!" You whisper yell, "and be quiet? Do you not realize how late it is Michael?" You roll your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest.

You could barely see the boy in the dark, and he was glad that you couldn't. He only came here for one reason, and it was his dad.

You turn on your lamp and Michael quickly turns away from you.

"Michael? Why are you even here if you're just gonna sit there and whine about not getting in?" You sigh, sitting down on your bed.

He sighs back, turning slowly to face you.

You see a bruise and a small cut, bleeding a bit on his face. "Oh my god! Michael! What happened?" You whisper yell, worry covering your face.

"This is why I didn't want you to turn the damn light on, I don't want your pity." He rolls his eyes, crossing his arms, copying you.

"Then why'd you come?" You raise an eyebrow, "I could've slept peacefully." You roll your eyes back.

"I need someone to help with my face. I wasn't gonna ask my mom, and Elizabeth is 9." He mumbles, looking down at the ground.

"Okay, fine. Sit down on the bed, Michael." You sigh, standing up and slowly opening the door, peering outside to make sure no one is there.

You quickly tip-toe to your bathroom, grabbing the first-aid kit.

You reach your room again, walking in to see Michael lying on your bed, his beat up converse discarded on the floor. His head was resting on your pillow, he looked quite peaceful, lying there without a care in the world.

"Michael," You say, but it seems he's fallen asleep. "I know for a fact I did not take that long getting this." You think to yourself.

You decide against waking him, the bags under his eyes make it seem like he'd not slept in days.

Michael was laying straight in the bed, so you just climbed on top of him and straddled him. You decided there wasn't much you could do about the bruise on his eye, so you decided to go for the big scratched, and the now tiny ones you could see more in the light.

You opened the first-aid kit with a light "pop!" and grabbed a cotton ball and some alcohol, you didn't know if the cut would become infected, but it was bleeding quite a bit, so alcohol seemed like a good thing to use.

You poured some onto the cotton ball and began dabbing it on Michael's face, after about the third dab he groaned and opened his eyes.

"Damnit New Kid! What the fuck are you doing?" He muttered, his eyes barely open,
"Well Michael, you showed up to my window with a black eye and cuts all over your face. You needed help, so I'm helping you, but you fell asleep."

Michael's eyes softened, but he kept his stern face and facade up, "Whatever, that shit hurts though." He mumbled.

You giggled, "I know, but would you rather have an infection?" You said dabbing the alcohol on all of the tiny and larger cuts on the boys face. He groaned and whined the entire time, but once you finished with the alcohol and pulled out the gauze and bandaids, you decided to ask him a question.

"Why did you give me that phone number earlier today?" You asked, pausing to look into Michael's eyes.

"Oh, you saw that? I didn't think you would." He shrugged, "you're a new kid if you haven't already realized." Michael stated plainly, "I'm sure my friends are gonna be all over you." He said, pursing his lips.

You raised an eyebrow, but then cleared your throat, looking away from him. "Well, I doubt I'll be calling that number, especially after you scared my brothers today."

Michael smirked, "Your Rockstars?"

You rolled your eyes, putting the last bandaid on his face.

"Okay, you're all patched up, Superstar." You said, laughing a bit.

"Oh so now I get a nickname?" Michael raises his eyebrow, a smirk on his face. "Well, I've got one, I suppose you could have one too." You shrug getting off of the boy and stretching.

Michael looks you up and down, "You're real annoying, I don't want a damn nickname that could be associated with your brothers." Michael says, immediately kicking back into his stern facade, he internally kicked himself for letting his guard down for a moment.

You cleared your throat, "Okay then, you're free to leave if that's all you came here for."

Michael eyed you, his hair was messy from lying on the bed, leaning down to put his converse back on. Just as he finished and leant back up, a strike of lighting appeared, outside of course, but still scary nonetheless.

Michael jumped, making you burst of laughing. "You- you're scared of thunderstorms?" You got out in between laughs, putting your hands on your knees.

"It's not funny, and no, I'm not." Michael said, his cheeks flushing a dark red at the (true) accusation.

"Okay then, go on home." You grinned, opening up the window. You immediately regretted your decision, hard drops of rain almost completely drenched one side of your pajamas.

That's when you realized that Michael WAS drenched, he had been outside for a while, AND IN YOUR BED! You shut the window and turned towards the boy,

"Michael Afton!" Your jaw dropped, "Get out of my bed with your wet self!" You furrowed your brows, crossing your arms over your chest.

Michael laughed, throwing his hands up in fake surrender. "Well.. Since you're a baby, and I doubt you're going anywhere, I'll grab you some clothes, they might be a little too small." You said, laughing at the image of Michael in your pajamas.

"Well since you're just oh so protective of your bed, I'll change." He rolled his eyes, an annoyed expression on his face.

You rummaged through your drawers, trying to find the biggest clothes you had. "Here, the bathroom is right down there." You handed him the clothes, motioning towards the bathroom.

"K." He muttered, annoyance in his tone at the thought of staying the night with this girl. It was better than going through the thunderstorm he admitted.

You were exhausted, and by the time Michael re-entered the room, you were fast asleep.

Michael had enough respect for you to not just climb into your bed, so he laid down in a bean bag you had next to your bed, and quickly fell asleep as well, feeling the safest he had felt in a while.

"New Kid." --  Michael Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now