XII. Friend And Foe

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You're now left alone in your kitchen, Michael left without another word. Leaving you with thoughts and unspoken words lingering in the air.

You walk to your room, and your mind wanders to the boy from the park, and the store.

"I wonder what he's up to right now." You think, "probably with his sister." You laugh softly, thinking of the small girl playing hide and seek.

You lay down on your bed, grabbing your book to resume reading it.

You fly through the pages when you hear the kitchen phone ringing.

You hurriedly scramble into the kitchen, grabbing the phone that would barely move, the cord was so tangled up.

"Hello?" You say, not giving them the whole
'L/N's Home!'

"Hi, Y/N." You hear the sound of William's smooth, raspy voice.

"Oh, Mr. Afton! Hi!" You say, smiling into the phone.

"Yes, hi dear, could you come get the kids? We're getting a little busy and can't really pay much attention to them." The man says, rapping his knuckles against the glass counter next to the phone.

"Oh sure! Of course, I'm sorry I didn't take them earlier." You chuckle, looking down at the ground.

"It's no worry, we didn't think we would be this busy, just hurry on please." William sighs.

"Sure, okay, see you soon." You reply, setting the phone down.

You put your shoes on, grabbed your house keys and quickly ran out the door.

You walked silently down the road, looking at the houses as you passed.

You eventually came upon the diner, it definitely was busy.

You entered the diner, wondering if Michael would be back.

Once you walked into the main room, you saw that he was, in fact there.

He must have taken a break.

You walk up to the counter, waiting in line.

You stood for about five minutes, waiting for the people and families in front of you to get their coins and prizes.

You got up to the counter, smiling at Michael.

"I'd like to buy four little kids." You lean up against the counter.

Michael's nods, "Quite an odd request, but fortunately we do have a couple...." He grins, turning around and leaving you alone for a moment.

You glance behind you, the others in the line looking a little bewildered at your request, and Michael's response.

Some parents even seemed to be holding onto their children a little tighter.

You turned back towards the counter and laughed softly to yourself.

Soon enough, Michael came out of a back room with the four kids, whose faces immediately lit up when they saw you. (Yes even Evan.)

You smiled and waved at the four, "Glad to take them off of your hands." You wink.

Michael chuckles softly, ushering the kids towards you.

"Alright, see you later." You wave towards Michael.

He runs a hand through his shaggy hair and nods towards you, giving you a slight smile.

You could feel your face redden the slightest, had Michael's hair always looked that good? Did he always look that good?

"New Kid." --  Michael Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now