XIV. The Aftermath

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Michael's POV again 😘😘.

Michael's father had to practically drag him out of Y/N's grasp.

Michael was so unbelievably scared, he thought that the Afton's would be losing two sons in one day.

He followed silently behind his father, he could hear the anger in William's steps.

William slammed the front door open, pointing at a seat on the couch, the only open seat.

Filling the rest of the couch was a crying Mrs. Afton and Elizabeth.

"What-" William pauses, taking an extremely deep breath and running his hands over his face.
"What the FUCK were you thinking, Michael?!" He yells.

Michael freezes, "I- Father, I don't- I don't even know- I had no idea that would happen-" Michael cries, tears threatening to spill again, but he wouldn't be so lenient on them coming out this time.

"JUST BECAUSE, you did not think that would happen. Does NOT give the right to do it? Are you FUCKING STUPID, Michael Afton?" William howls, exasperated.

"I know for a FACT, your mother and I did NOT raise you to be FUCKING STUPID!" He shouts, slapping Michael on the face.

God that's the least of what he deserved at the moment.

Mrs. Afton grabbed Elizabeth, pulling her into the girls room.

This left Michael and William alone.

And god did that only frighten Michael more.

William paced for a while, it was hard for him to accept that his son was gone.

Evan had been his favorite, he was quiet, reserved, didn't bug William.

"God I'd wish it had been you instead of him." William says, leaving the conversation at that as he storms off to his office.

Michael's eyes widen, and the tears do spill. They spill and spill, and Michael can no longer see.

Heck can't see, but he can imagine, he can see Evan, he can see the blood. He can still feel the blood on him, he's still wearing the shirt.

Y/N let him touch her after, she let him lay in her bed.

God did he need Y/N. He needed someone, he didn't even care who it was.

Y/N's POV 😁😁

It was your turn to explain what had happened.

You sat your family down on the couch, excluding your siblings. You thought it would be better for your parents to break it to them.

"Evan- Michael-" you didn't know how to get the words out.

Until they spilled, not very coherently.

"Evan- he died- Michael- his friends- they were trying to play a prank. He didn't know it was going to happen, it was an accident. And god he feels so bad, I feel so bad, I was there- I could have stopped it. Oh god I feel so bad, I can't imagine how Michael-" Your father stops you in the middle of your rambling.

"What? Evan died?" He sighs, running a hand over his face.

"And.. Michael did it?" Your mother adds, a scared, yet sad expression on her face.

"He didn't mean to- he really didn't, he was just trying to prank him-" A sob escapes your mouth, and you're sure you can no longer get any coherent words out.

Your parents take matters into their own hands, and decide it would be best to just leave the situation and see if anyone became comfortable explaining it. It was no where in their place to go be nosy and ask about what had happened.

You ran off into your room, opening your window, you knew that Michael would have to come. At some point. If he didn't- oh god-

You decided you might as well retrieve the broken boy yourself, you put your shoes on, not even bothering to tie them and crawl out of the window.

You cough and hack as you run to the Afton's home, running did not make your sickness any better.

You reached Michael's window and opened it, crawling inside.

You saw him, lying on his bed, not facing towards you.

"Michael." You whisper.

The boy immediately jumps up, running towards you and wrapping himself in your embrace.

"Oh my GOD Y/N." He sobs, holding each side of your head, looking down at you through red, bleary eyes.

There were cuts on his wrist, you could see them on either hand through the corner of your eyes.

"Oh Michael." You cry, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him close.

"Y/N- do you hate me?" He whispers, a hiccup comes after his words.

"I've always hated you, Michael." You sigh, "just a little less and less everyday, I suppose." You grab his hands, intertwining them together.

He sobs again, pulling you closer.

"Michael, come on, let's go to my house." You whisper, pulling away from him.

Once you get back to your room, you quickly grab the first aid-kit.

"It's like the first night you were here." You smile softly, trying to brighten his mood.

Michael lets out another sob, leaning back against your bed, hiding his head in his hands.

You run a hand through his curly, shaggy hair.

"Michael, let me see your hands." You say softly, he hiccups again, his eyes blurry as he tries to look at you.

He puts his hands out as you say though, being the most vulnerable... he probably ever had.

What else could he do though?

You begin to wipe the cuts, quietly bandaging them.

"He said he wished it was me." Michael mutters, barely audible.

Your eyes widen.

"What? No-" You sigh, putting the bandage you were currently holding down.

You sit down on the bed next to him, pulling him towards you.

"Michael-" You couldn't find words.

"Don't even say he didn't mean it, because he did." Michael whispers, leaning against you.

"I love Evan, but Michael, it happened because it was meant to. It couldn't have gone any other way." You sigh, running your fingers through his hair.

He sobbed again.

"He hates me. Y/N he wants me dead!" Michael sobs, and he can't quit sobbing, it just all comes out. Every year, every bit of torture from his father escapes his mouth in these very moments, these vulnerable hours.

You can't get any words to come out of your mouth, you sit on your bed, your mouth open as you stare down at the broken boy laying on you.

"It gets better, Michael." You whisper, "I don't know from experience the position you're in, but I have definitely reached the lowest point of my life before, and I know it will get better." You lay there silently, Michael holds you close, afraid that if he let go, you would too hate him.



"New Kid." --  Michael Afton x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt