Chapter Forty-two

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New Years Eve 2002

"Darlin, what are you doing on the floor?" I hear Hunter's voice coming from somewhere...

I'm lying flat staring at the ceiling in his living room, like what's-his-name said to do.

"You're, hic, not, up' supposed to call me, hic-up, anymore, remember?" I manage to say. 

"Like I could forget. Now, come on, get up." I see his face now, for a moment, as he hovers over me. He grabs hold of my arms and pulls me up while the hiccups are still coming hard and fast.

"Hunter! I almost had 'em," I whine as I stumble into this dizzyingly standing position. He holds me steady. Another hiccup escapes me, and I scowl at him as if it's his fault.

"Dirty carpet is not the cure for hiccups," Hunter says. "Let's get you some water."

"It's lying flat! It regulates your breathing," What's-his- name says.

"I got this, Austin," Hunter says to him.

"Austin!" I yell out.

"What?" Austin asks.

"That's your name," I tell him excitedly.

"Thanks, apple girl," Austin says as he laughs.

"Ha! See, you forgot mine too!"

"Come on, Kinz, water," Hunter grumbles as he takes my hand. "When did you get here, and how the hell are you this drunk?"

"I dunno, a few hours, maybe?"

"What? Why didn't you come tell me you were here?"

We're in the kitchen now, and he's handing me a glass of water. As I sip it, I realize my hiccups are gone already, so maybe the flat-back trick did work.

"They said Erin was in your room," I say as I sloppily sip on the water. "Is she still here? Just cause... um, I just think she should go home."

"She went home a long time ago, Kinz."

"Oh." Huh? That's confusing. "Then why were you in your room?"

"Just thinkin' about stuff. Why are you here? Where is Olly?"

"Who's ready for some shots?" Austin calls, and I glance over to see him and a few others around the table with a bunch of tequila shots lined up.

"Hell yeah, I am ready!" I agree, but as I start to walk that way, Hunter grabs the back of my shirt and stops me.


"Lemme go, Hunter. My hiccups are gone!" I struggle as I try and fail to get out of Hunter's grasp.

"You are way too drunk to be taking any more shots." He is leading me down the hall now toward his room.

He pushes the door open, and I walk in and notice his TV is on and his bed is wrinkled, an open bottle of whiskey is sitting on the end table next to his bed.

"Why are you in here drinking alone?" I ask. "Did Erin do something?"

"No Kinz," he says with a sigh. "And you know it's not like that, we broke up last spring in what was probably the world's nicest breakup if such a thing exists."

"I know that, but you said it still hurt when she left," I protest.

"Sure, it did, but I'm fine now."

"Then why is she gone and you're drinking alone?"

"You're more stubborn than ever when you're drunk, you know that?" he groans. "She came over wanting to... hang out. I sent her away because I'm in no mood tonight."

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