Chapter 24.
Kim Jae-soo stood among the crowd of parents outside the kindergarten, feeling distinctly out of place. The cap he wore cast a shadow over his face, hiding his eyes but revealing his nose and lips. His outfit—a black high-neck, long-sleeved shirt under a white sweater vest paired with fitted black jeans—accentuated his tall, slender frame, drawing curious glances from the surrounding parents.
Behind him, the driver stood like a silent sentinel, his presence a reminder of the status and wealth that surrounded Kim Jae-soo. The other parents, mostly women and gers, chatted amongst themselves, subtly angling for connections that could benefit their families. The "Silver Bloom" kindergarten was not just any school; it was a prestigious institution where the elite mingled.
Jae-soo usually avoided these outings, letting the driver handle picking up Baek Mi-reu while he waited in the car. But with Baek Ji-Hu away on a business trip, he had decided to step out of the house for once. His anxiety, however, was palpable. He knew that in this circle, he was often seen as the "unfavoured wife" of the Baek family—a title that brought more scorn than sympathy.
"Madam, why don't you wait in the car or sit like the others?" the driver suggested softly, trying to persuade him to seek comfort away from the prying eyes.
"It's fine," Jae-soo replied, his voice barely above a whisper. To him, even his own voice sounded grating.
The driver nodded and waited with him until the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. As parents began to move towards the entrance, Jae-soo felt a surge of anxiety. The noise and the crowd were overwhelming. He stepped back, allowing the driver to navigate through the throng of people.
"I will go get the young master," the driver said, sensing Jae-soo's discomfort.
Jae-soo nodded, relieved. "Mn," he replied softly.
He found a bench at the edge of the playground and sat down, keeping his head lowered to avoid eye contact. His fingers, slender and almost bony, intertwined nervously. He could feel the weight of the other parents' curiosity pressing down on him, their whispered conversations like a low hum in the background.
Minutes felt like hours as he waited, his mind racing with thoughts. The familiar feeling of being judged and mocked gnawed at him, but he focused on the anticipation of seeing his son. Finally, the driver returned, holding Baek Mi-reu's hand.
"Dammy!!" Baek Mi-reu's cheerful voice pierced through the fog of Kim Jae-soo's thoughts, grounding him back to the present. The child's exuberance was like a balm, soothing the ache of his anxieties.
Kim Jae-soo looked up, meeting the eyes of his beaming son. 'This is my world now,' he thought, a gentle smile spreading across his face as he scooped up the eager toddler, who had his arms spread wide for a hug.
"Dammy, they liked the cupcakes today! I gave everyone," Mi-reu chattered excitedly, his small hands gesticulating animatedly. Kim Jae-soo nodded, his attention wholly absorbed by his son's joyful recounting of his day.
"Really? I'm so glad to hear that, Mi-reu," Kim Jae-soo replied, his voice warm and full of affection. He adjusted the child in his arms, feeling the soft weight and warmth of his little body against his chest.
"Yes! Teacher said they were the best cupcakes ever!" Mi-reu continued, his face lighting up with pride. "Even Ji-Ho shared with me. He's my new friend!"
Kim Jae-soo's heart swelled at his son's happiness. The simple joy of Mi-reu's school day, the innocence of making new friends, and the delight of sharing cupcakes—all of it was a stark contrast to the heavy burdens he carried. In these moments, he found solace and a fleeting escape from his worries.
As they walked towards the car, Mi-reu's animated storytelling filled the air, each word a reminder of the love and joy that defined his life now. The driver held the door open, and Kim Jae-soo gently placed Mi-reu in his car seat, ensuring he was secure before taking his own seat.
The ride home was filled with Mi-reu's continued chatter, his bright voice narrating every detail of his day. Kim Jae-soo listened intently, his own worries momentarily pushed aside by the pure, uncomplicated happiness radiating from his son.
Kim Jae-soo woke up with a start, the sun still hadn't risen, but the clock read six in the morning. He stretched and sat up, leaning against the headboard, staring out the open window as the sky began to lighten. His mind wandered, filled with thoughts of his child and whether he would be okay.
By the time the sun had fully risen, it was already 6:39. He needed to head to school for the final arrangements of his internship with his course advisor and then wait for the acceptance email from ANRANG.
After his morning routine, he dressed quickly and left his room. In the living room, he saw Na-ri, who looked like he was still half-asleep, despite being dressed. Na-ri's usually curly hair was flat on one side, and the other side was tangled with a comb stuck in it.
"Yeah, thank goodness for waking up early and getting dressed," An Na-ri mumbled, his words slow as he yawned, sitting at the kitchen counter with a frozen piece of fried chicken in front of him. He seemed about to eat it when Kim Jae-soo rushed forward to stop him.
"Why are you this confused in the morning?" Kim Jae-soo asked, placing the chicken back in the fridge and bringing out milk, two bowls, spoons, and cereals for breakfast.
"Man Sung-ho called, and we talked. He told me to go to sleep, but I refused because we needed to..." Na-ri's spoon fell back into the bowl as he dozed off mid-sentence.
Sighing softly, Kim Jae-soo helped Na-ri back to the couch in the living room and laid him down. While Na-ri slept deeply, Jae-soo fetched curl softener conditioner and carefully combed through his friend's hair.
By 8:15 AM, with two hours to spare before their advisor meeting at 10:50 AM, Kim Jae-soo let An Na-ri sleep.
When Na-ri woke up at 10:05, he washed his face and noticed his hair was neatly combed. He smiled softly.
"Let's go, mommy," An Na-ri teased as they left. Kim Jae-soo smiled back; it was true, he often took on the motherly role between them.
They reached the faculty at 10:40 after Na-ri insisted on stopping for bubble tea.
Their advisor, busy with many students, had set their meeting time to ensure no interruptions. By 11:15 AM, they left the office, only for An Na-ri's phone to ring. Seeing it was Man Sung-ho, Na-ri hesitated, worriedly glancing at Jae-soo before answering.
As they spoke, Na-ri's face turned pale. He looked at Kim Jae-soo in panic, and Jae-soo raised an eyebrow in question.
"Man Sung-ho and Baek Ji-Hu are in front of the faculty. I'm so sorry, Kim Jae-soo," Na-ri said, trying not to bite his nails in worry. Kim Jae-soo tried to maintain a neutral expression.
"I might have let it slip that we were coming to the faculty today. I'm really sorry, Jae Jae." Kim Jae-soo nodded, telling Na-ri to go on without him since he needed to use the bathroom.
"Good thing, at least between us two friends, one of us has a happy ever after," Jae-soo thought, appreciating that Na-ri's love was reciprocated.
"You can leave without me; I'll meet you when you're done," Kim Jae-soo said blankly. Na-ri apologized again and left in a hurry, leaving Jae-soo to confront the situation on his own terms.
A/N: Heyy loves, so I have been very busy and I wrote this chapter since but didn't publish it because I forgot.. I apologize....
Thank you for your time and remember I love your comments.Quick question ⁉️
What time are you all reading this chapter?.....

Short StoryA fire incident at his(Kim Jae-soo) husband's home while he (Baek Ji-Hu )was away made Kim Jae-soo return to his third year of university (he was reborn), he finally has the opportunity to make up for everything he regrets. The mistakes that have be...