episode 16

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With a disappointed expression adorning her features, Jinya made her entrance into the mansion. The weight of her lost job hung heavy in the air, courtesy of her meddlesome brothers who had pressured her to leave. Their actions had cost her dearly to loss her job in just one day , and she was in no mood to entertain their judgmental gazes as she crossed paths with seven sets of piercing eyes.

Ignoring their dark stares, she trudged onward, her mood was not to mess with anyone's today , Even as she made her way to her room, she halted in her track by Seokjin voice

"Wanna explain?" Seokjin's chilly inquiry cut through the tension, but Jinya, remain silent but , refused to cower. She halted in her tracks, meeting their collective gaze with unwavering silence.

Seokjin and the rest of her so-called brothers were there, except for Yoongi who couldn't care less then about his phone. The others were giving her the strick  eyes.

"What?" She asked innocently.

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Oh, please. Don't play dumb, kid."

"We already know, Jinya. Stop pretending." Namjoon said with a stern voice.

"Jinya, why do you have to be like this? Why do you have to cause drama every day?" Seokjin said with a disappointed look.

"Hyung, she's just an attention whore." Taehyung sneered.

Jinya gave him a look that said 'are you kidding me?'

"Why do you even need a job, huh? If you need money, you can ask us." Hoseok said with a serious face.

"Hyung, Taehyung is right. She's just doing it for attention. When we try to help her, she says we're ruining her life. And that guy she was with, he was so gross." Jungkook said, but was cut off by Jinya's shout.

"SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU!" She yelled, making everyone flinch.

Jinya suddenly burst out, "Alright, so check it: I've just about had it! From the moment I stepped foot in this over-the-top mansion, the atmosphere got as dense as a felt sufforgeted . And don't even get me started on the family special you seven—colder than an Antarctic deep freeze. You treated me like some forgotten umbrella in the corner, gathering dust and cobwebs. 'Jinya who?' was practically written on your foreheads, oozing with disdain like runny mascara.

But hold onto your seats, because it gets even more scandalous! It wasn't just the cold shoulder; oh no, you guys took a job  to Humiliation Boulevard. Specialy you (pointing at Taehyung:) accusing me of being a gold digger. As if my life's ambition was to dig through your bank accounts with a tiny shovel! And what did I get in return? A one-way ticket to Tearsville, population: me with mascara streaks.

Sorry My late mother, bless my soul, never prepared me for this circus. Back in the day, even a humble job made me dance with joy. But now, in this gigantic "Royle" mansion (yes, with a "y," because regular royals are so last season), my tears flow like a broken faucet. I try to hustle, earn my keep, but the universe just   laughs in my face. "Oh, you want a job? Here, have a side of chaos with that."

And the cherry on top? I lost my last job  thanks to the so called brothers talent for creating disasters. Seriously, you guys  could turn a Zen garden into a tornado alley. Why do I even bother?

Or maybe you all have some disorder that explains why I'm in this mess, but now "she burst out suddenly  glaring at them even yoongi flinch


And then, oh, you guys : cold ice blocks. Seriously? Even there was less  heat in a freezer aisle. And you

She points at Jimin, and with a glare that could freeze lava, she declares, "My name is Jinya, darling, not 'kid.' So zip it with the kiddo nonsense."

And off she flounces, leaving the room in stunned silence. Everyone's blinking like they just witnessed a unicorn tap-dancing on a rainbow. What the hell just happened? Did reality glitch? Did the universe hiccup?

Cut to Jinya, storming into her room like a hurricane with attitude. She slams the door shut,

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And gyus i updated my need Book Devils sister so  cheak it please

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