chapter one-it lurks.

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"What's your name,Amigo?" Alejandro asked. Ugh,his words made Noah feel sick. He was soo likeable to everyone but Noah. He didn't see why Alejandro tried so hard.
"It's Noah" replied the short boy. Alejandro had just moved here and everyone already loves him, it's unfair! Noah tried so hard to make friends but they mostly turned him away for no reason!(apart from the fact he was 'brutally honest"with them).. Whatever,he didn't need friends, he just needed to find out why Alejandro tried so hard. Was he hiding something? Or is it something else..
"So, Noah, are you going to talk to me or just stare at me?" Alejandro teased.
"I've got better things to do then hang around with you." Noah replies sarcastically before walking off.
Finally back at home, Noah attempts to figure out what Alejandro has been must be important if he's trying that hard.
Noah turns to his window, hearing a loud growl emancipating from it.
He decided to peek out off the window, being careful not to move the curtain far from its original position,
He spots a figure; hazelnut coloured hair, piercing sage eyes that seem to almost glow in the dim light and a red shirt.
Could it be? No, why would Alejandro growl.. Then he spots it. A pair of dark, twisted horns poking threw Alejandro's hair and sharp black claws from where his fingers should be.
Suddenly Alejandro looks up at Noah, flashing him a grin that shows his yellowing fangs as Noah jumps back from the window, screaming.
"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Noah shouts as the creature formally known as Alejandro dashes into the forest
What in the sweet and sour fuck did he just witness. Was that what Alejandro desperately tried to hide? If so, he was doing a shit job. At this point Noah crawled into his bed and attempted to fall asleep, unable to get the image of the creature's fangs out his head..


First time writing y'all, hope you'd enjoy!

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