chapter 10-eel.

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there was another murder, that hopefully will be the last, I WON'T let anyone else die, I can't. Who ever has done this, even if it was alejandro or someone else loved within this community. I CAN'T allow another death,Like GOSH! EVEN IF I HAVE TO GO FULL MAD SKILLZ ON THEM I WILL! I SHALL SHOW NO MERCY.
Watching the news this morning made my heart sank. I'm not working alone anymore, I can't get easy meals. Ugh, maybe I should check on Noa-no. I'll let him have some time. I don't think he wants to see me.
"So.. What made you come back?"
"Nothing.. It's just..-"
"What the death of Izzy? I know you two where friends."
Noah sat there for a minute, trying to compute what just happened.
"It's more what killed Izzy, I swear it was a demon-"
"Are you still obsessed with demons.. Noah, I would say that was a..semi healthy coping mechanism but this is too far, making light of such tragedies.? I mea-"
With that Noah stood up and walked out, he had never found therapy helpful so it didn't matter much. It's not like he'd come back. He'd began walking down the street when someone called out at him.
"Noah, don't frown,it gives you wrinkles"
Ugh, do I every catch a- Holy shit. No.. Fuck
"Justin,what do you want"
"Nothing much, just wondering what happened to our dear friend, izzy"
"What the fuck!? Your actually deranged or something!?"
"Shut up."
Noah began to walk of leaving a smirking justin behind.
"Just so you know your chin is the same size as Australia!" Noah calls out before sprinting home. The drama brother's apartment wasn't safe anymore.. But that wasn't a bad thing. He'd all ways found that place weird. But all he had to do was get home without getting attacked.
Ugh.. It's 8pm, im fucking starving.. But the only people out right now are either too old or too young.. I'll still try.. Just don't bump into Noah.
As Alejandro left he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched,he didn't look 16 so he knew the police weren't eyeing him up, he decided that food was more important. Then he heard it, the voices of 2 girls, both drunk. Almost too easy.
"Ah! Lady's, allow me to assist you!"
"W-wait really?" Sadie, the bigger of the 2 girls piped up
"Yes." Alejandro began to walk the two girls to the forest
Finally in the clearing,Alejandro decided to talk to katie, it's not like Sadie would be faster then him. Swiftly, Alejandro slit Katie's throat, leaving her to bleed out on the floor.
"Sadie, come here."
"Okay.. "
With that Alejandro pounced at Sadie, slitting her throat in the process.He moved Katie's corpse to an up right position,making it seem like a a suicide.
Walking around town all day can get tiring, especially with nerd legs, but Noah still managed. What was he gonna do? Go around the drama brothers apartment and get eaten!? Yea.. No.
Walking home, Noah heard a familiar voice.. Three actually.. Then he spotted the red shirt Alejandro wore around.. Katie's shoulders!?
What the fuck!? I thought that dude was.. Gay or something but apparently not! Oh that eel. Fuck him.
He had decided to sneak after the three.
He'd had spent a good three minutes following them when he saw it. Alejandro dragging what appeared to be Sadie's body across the Muddy ground.
Noah continues
"I'd understand if you weren't gay or something but telling me like this!? I fucking hate you." With that Noah storm's off angrily, leaving a confused Alejandro.
"Noah, come back! " Alejandro calls out but it was too late.
Noah had found a curbside to sit on, crying. He'd normally be fine if someone had rejected him but this was different. He wished he'd never see ale-twat-o again. He wish he wished he wasn't even born at this point! His life was a disaster!
Slowly but surely Noah returned home, sobbing softly. He immediately raced up to his room and spent the night hugging his pillow.
Uh, what just happened.. I was getting some food and the next thing I know Noah's shouting at me!? What I'd even do to him!? Oh, I hate that little Perra! I WISH HE'D NEVER EVEN TALKED TO ME!.
Alejandro calm down.. Your covered in blood and angry, That's not a good place to be and you can get revenge on that Coño later.


It Lurks. (ALENOAH!)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें