chapter 18-josé (PT2!!)

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By the time Alejandro awoke,it was dark outside,too dark to see anything. Though,he didn't mind that. He sat up,looking for Noah.After he had realised he had went home when José walked in.

"Huh,where's your little boyfriend Noah..oh..he told me.."
José paused for dramatic effect.
"He's.. breaking up with you."
"Don't blame me,I'm just the messenger."
José then walked back out grinning ,
Leaving a confused and angry Alejandro on his bed.
he grabs his phone and dials Noah's number at least five time, each time Noah didn't answer,the more Alejandro called and texted him,the angrier Alejandro grew.
Mi amor

A:Why are we breaking up!?I've done nothing but be nice to you -10:23

A:Noah I'm going to kill you I swear -10:26

A: Noah are you ok??- 10:47

A: fuck you. - 11:02
Alejandro then placed his phone down and went to sleep, he couldn't believe that Noah had played him like that! Gaining his trust, acting as if he was into Alejandro then throwing it down the drain and fucking off! That was normally what He was meant to do, not some scrawny little prick!
Alejandro woke up,his head snapping towards his phone ready to check the time. 6:15 am,He had time to get ready. The first thing Alejandro did was get in the shower,then he got dressed, brushed his hair and was nearly ready to go when he spots it. Noah's diary..or journal thing. With malicious intention,Alejandro picks up the book and begins reading from it.
"The new kid,Al acts like an entitled prick,if I ever get close to that spawn of satan again I'll throw up I swear!"

"He won't leave me alone, I hate that stupid freak!"


"This is a joke at this point, the dude knows I know his secret and he still can't leave me alone,it's like he's a fucking stalker! Obsessed much."
Reading the first three passages made him absolutely pissed,this was a boy he had trusted and now,they were just strangers. Just like normal.

He tucked the notepad into his bag before getting on his boots and catching the bus to school.
After arriving to school,Alejandro immediately went over to Geoff and his friends. He had no one to talk to now that.. He. Wasn't Alejandro's boyfri-Friend, just friend.
Soon,the bell for first period rung, Alejandro knew he had English first,which Geoff also had,the two walked to lesson together,both of them walking in late and getting told off.
The rest of the day went smoothly for Alejandro,not seeing Noah until 5th period. P.E, they both had it and neither of them were doing it,it was normal for Noah to forge a note and skip the lesson but for once,Alejandro smooth talked the teacher into letting him skip. He soon found himself standing next to Noah, he knew he had to say something but not in a open lesson like this.,after school. It was normally quiet and they both go the same way so Alejandro would have the chance to talk to Noah. Maybe even scare him into running back to his house,he would deserve it anyway.
Finally, The school day had ended, Alejandro was walking home when he spotted Noah, thinking this was the perfect opportunity he sneaked up on the smaller boy and spun him around

"Why are you ignoring me!?"



Before Alejandro could even finish his sentence Noah was walking off,looking down at the ground. Alejandro followed close behind,trying to get the smaller boys attention when he saw tears falling down to the ground. Subsequently,Alejandro stopped dead in his tracks, feeling as if he had gone too far. He waited for Noah disappear from sight before walking home.
As soon as he got in he went to his room,he laid down on his bed and began to cry when he remembered he was meant to be to strong to cry,and wouldn't José take the piss out off him if he saw how weak Alejandro was being. He wasn't meant to be weak,it was disgraceful and meant for disappointments. Was he just a disgraceful disappointment like..carlos? Boy's Weren't meant to cry..


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