chapter 17-josé.

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Noah woke up seemingly hours later,it was dark outside,which put him off going home,Al wouldn't mind..right..?. Noah sighed,knowing that he was thirsty but didn't want to move, it was the first time this night he was actually at peace. He soon heard shuffling outside the door and pretended to be asleep,it was probably for the best. Jose walked in a few moments after,grumbling something along the lines of
"Ugh,of course he's still here,guess I'll take it into my own hands."
Noah laid still,not knowing or wanting to find out what that meant. Then,he felt a pair of hands shake him "awake."
"What..?"Noah said groggily
"I need a chat..what's your name agai- Noah or something.." José grabbed Noah, ripping him away from Alejandro and basically dragging him into the hallway.
"I can walk myself ya know?"
"This is more efficient.".
Soon,Noah found himself up against Alejandro's closer door,José staring him down,seemingly sizing him up. He felt embarrassed as his cheeks grew red,he didn't like this one bit,it was pathetic.

"You and Al obviously have a little.. affair going on and that.. thing,you call your boyfriend hasn't told our parents, who attempt to keep a good, straight image, that he's..playing for the wrong team. So to save everyone the hassle,break up with him."
"What!?I wouldn-"
" you don't have a choice."
Noah attempts to push Jose away but his nerd arms didn't help much. He soon got a harsh slap as Jose clamped his hand down onto Noah's mouth,efficiently silencing him.
"Break up with him,Noah Sterecra or I will hunt you and your pathetic family down,slowly but surely kill them off,leaving you to fend for yourself.
And so you know I'm not bluffing.." José quickly punched Noah in the nose,causing it to bleed and for him to cry out in pain.
"I'm serious,if I see you once again around here after tonight I won't be so..kind."
Noah nodded his head as josé let him go.As soon as he got into his own house he raced up to the bathroom,tears rolling down his cheeks. Noah looked in the mirror,assessing the damage, just a bloody nose. He grabbed a piece of tissue,held it to his nose,and sat down on the closed toilet lid for ten minutes. After the bleeding stopped,he stalked Into his room,lying down on his bed and falling asleep swiftly.
The next day was Monday,Noah pulled himself out off bed,sighing as he got dressed. Noah walked over to a mirror checking his hair and sorting it  out. He grabbed his boots and bag,put them on and walked out the house. On the way to school,he saw Cody basically being dragged out the house by his parents. Once Cody noticed Noah, he sprinted across the street,nearly being hit by a car.
"Dude,you're gonna die like that one day."
" know how I'm like your favourite friend ever..?"
"What Cody."
"Can you buy me some sweets-"
Cody rolled his eyes and continued to to school with Noah.
Once at school,he walked to his locker(which still had the slur carved into it.) And pulled out the books he would need today: biology ,maths ,art music,and ugh P.E.
Once in period one, he sat by Harold,not by choice obviously, but it was the only seat left unless he wanted to sit next to Sierra..ugh
The rest of the periods up until period 5 went pretty great for Noah
While in P.E. both him and Alejandro weren't doing it,not doing P.E was common for Noah,but quite the opposite for Alejandro. Though,Noah didn't say anything,he was more worried about what José would do,it was weird,it reminded him of Duncan in a odd way.
After school,Noah sped walked home,not wanting..him to see him.
As he walked the sounds of footsteps behind him increased until Noah was spun around to face an extremely pissed Alejandro

"Why are you ignoring me!?"



with that Noah pushed him away and walked home,tears rolling down his cheeks with Alejandro close on his tail. He didn't want to be cold but he had no choice,it was either that or certain death.
As soon as Noah got home,he locked his door,said hello to his dog and walked upstairs to his bedroom.Noah looked mirror,not Recognising his reflection peering back at him. It hurt to look at hurt to be cold and sarcastic. It hurt to be himself. It hurt to see himself being so..weak. Tears welled in his eyes,soon cascading down his cheeks as he smashed the mirror,he knew it was meant to be "bad luck" but he couldn't care at this point,.. he wished he wasn't born to be a disappointment at this point.



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