chapter 19-teenage partys are bad ideas.

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Noah woke up from his sleep,7:26 am,He scrolled aimlessly through his socials for a while before standing up and stumbling to the bathroom.
He looked a mess,the clothes he'd normally wear were dirty,his hair was semi curly,he looked as if he hadn't slept once in his life, but he decided against having a shower because he simply didn't have it in him.
Today is Friday,I've gone a whole week avoiding Al..except Monday's little..encounter.its fine though. I can do it.. wait how'd I forget to check my messages?
Noah whipped out his phone, sat down on the edge of the bath,nearly fell into the empty tub and read his texts;his mum told him to do something,Cody sent him a video and Alejandro sent him texts, he immediately clicked on his texts with Alejandro.
Alejandro <3

A:Why are we breaking up!?I've done nothing but be nice to you -Monday

A:Noah I'm going to kill you I swear Monday

A: Noah are you ok??-Monday

A: fuck you.- Monday
he immediately felt tears prick his eyes,he couldn't just ignore Alejandro like this,it wasn't fair on either one of them. He couldn't help to sob for a minute or so before splashing cold water on his face and speed walking to his room. Noah still had school today and needed to get ready,but the only clean clothes he had were a few things either meant for women or way too big for him, he grabbed a semi smart outfit,got dressed,grabbed his shit and walked to school. Before he went to the school,he grabbed ab energy drink,he would need it.
After reaching the school,he was nearly crushed to death by Owen hugging him.

"Sorry little buddy."
"It's okay.. just not that hard"

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