Chapter 15 - Cerynian Hind and the Apis Bull

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6 am arrived, and after a hearty breakfast, the 10 of them walked into the big hall. They all were wearing a tight uniform, a culturally accurate Egyptian outfit. They all stood in a row, side by side as the great ibis god appeared in front of them once again, another scroll in his hand

"Good morning to you all. I hope you all are well rested" He said

"Good morning lord Thoth!" Hathor excitedly said

"As you can imagine, the Greek power holders are already present, they are in the opposite building, with lady Athena present. We have a small amount of time for a briefing before the first round starts. Now then, without further adieu, for the first time, behold, the power holders of Hellas"  Thoth said as he opened his scroll, that also glowed and emitted a bright light up in front of them, creating a hologram, showing the 10 Greek power holders. A picture of Atlas, Aether, Hestia, Cupid, Dionysus, Hermes, Gaea, Hemera, Apollo, and finally, Nyx

"What the- Chef Aether Galaxías??? HUH???" Geb asked. Ra looked at Atlas with a wide eye, an unbelievably sense of familiarity

"So this is the infamous Dionysus?" Maahes giggled

"Why is he infamous what" Nephthys replied

"Well based on what you told us, hehe" Tefnut said

"He looks edible" Maahes smirked

"EXCUSE ME???" Nephthys yelled

"How do you mean? You want to eat him?" Thoth asked

"Go on Maahes explain to him what you meant" Tefnut giggled

"It is a sin to eat another human being, Maahes"

"That's not what I- NEVERMIND!" Maahes said

"Wait I think I've seen him before" Hathor said, squinting her eyes and pointing

"What- Apollo? Where have you seen him?" Neph asked

"I can't remember, but I'm sure I know him from somewhere" she replied

"That one looks sick in the mind" Anubis said pointing to Cupid

"With each round, I'll explain the two opponents you will be fighting against. The ones who will fight in this first round are Geb and Hathor"  Thoth said as they all smiled excitedly in anticipation, and Geb gave the smiling Hathor a kiss on the cheek

"Please be nice I don't wanna fight someone mean" Hathor said

"Your opponents are going to be, Gaea Liakada and Hemera Mantarini" Thoth said as the hologram isolated the images of Gaea and Hemera

"Nephthys are they gonna be nice?" Geb asked. Nephthys looked at lord Thoth, a look as if she's asking for approval and he nodded with a smile

"Well Gaea is an absolute sweetheart. I don't like the other one though" She replied

"Why? She seems kinda fun" Hathor said

"She used to be Dionysus's girlfriend, they broke up. I just find her extremely irritating, very loud and obnoxious" She said

"Just like Maahes!" Anubis said

"That's racist excuse me" Maahes replied. Thoth suddenly moved his hands around, manipulating the hologram, as it started playing like a video, showing moments of Gaea fighting

"Lady Athena has generously granted us some glimpses of their fighting style. This will offer you a wild advantage. Gaea, is calm and sensible in her power, trying her best to be organized with it. She prefers to use her yellow powers to control the land and it's geography, using rocks and metals to her will, in addition to an army of different animals, mainly insects at her disposal" He explained

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