Chapter 26 - Declarations. Uncanny, declarations.

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The creaking of the crooked wheel chair was the only thing filling the empty silence, that combined with the footsteps behind, pushing the wheel chair forward. The atmosphere was unbelievably unnatural. Liminal fields and plains of black grass with one or two randomly places houses. Houses with no windows. The street they were walking in had no realistic or accurate semblance of light distortion. The shadows did not work the way they were supposed to. There wasn't even an identifiable light source. This uncanny... environment, was the one they were always used to. Unlike the busy hectic science filled world they despised below.

She had her elbow on the arm rest, pinching her nose bridge as she had her eyes closed. Her breathing was heavy, the tubes and wires connected around her body, working overtime just to keep her stable, with a breathing mask strictly fitted to her face, connected to a gas tank fixed to the back of her wheel chair, pumping carbon dioxide to let her breathe properly.

"Do you know what this is about this time?" She asked

"...One of them has gone missing" He replied, making her raise her head up, frowning

"Missin- what do you mean? Like... dead?"

"We're not so lucky. Just, gone... shall we say"

"Do you know who? Are they abandoning us or what? How are they missing?" She asked, still confused

"Haven't confirmed it, but I think it's Puppeteer. The twins never leave the others side, they need each other, in order to work. If one of them went missing, they'd both be missing"

"Puppeteer. Out of all of us..." She replied, followed by an agonizing cough, muffling the steady creaks of the wheelchair, as her pipes began pumping again

"How are things going on on your end" He asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence

"My plan is set up. Ready to go. All I need is to make sure it goes accordingly"

"Good. At least someone else is reliable out of us"

"It's mainly the twins that aren't"

"I don't know if I trust puppeteer that well"

"You don't see how obsessed he is with father? How keen he is on winning their approval? How desperate he constantly is to one up us and instill fear into that chief?"

"That doesn't mean he's willing to work with us, he could have his own goals"

"I don't know what to tell you. I'm just glad we both find the twins unreliable. But it's Mountebank who really rubs me up the wrong wall"

"Starlet annoys me more. Acting so spoiled, as if they rule the world. I'm the Aristocrat here"

"It's that smart ass cocky persona they're both so eager to present" She said

Their conversation was put to an end as they walked past an alleyway. Seeing a man standing in the middle, leaning out to watch them. They did not bat him an eye, walking straight past him as he sniffled and eagerly planted his eyes on them. Sweating. Veins pumping.

The silence was also interrupted by the loud hard screeching. A younger man, possibly in his early years, screeching and wailing, harrowingly filling the sketchy dirty streets with his loud expressions of fear and agony. The screams only being mixed with sounds of tearing flesh, and spilling liquids, despite the violent hits, there was no sound of cracking bones. Only tearing flesh and veins. Even though it was so brutal it left the man unrecognizable

"This is nostalgic" Aristocrat said, pushing the wheelchair more

"Beats the noisy cities down there. I'd take this over that any day" she said, before taking out a syringe from her pocket and aiming it at her thigh. He quickly grabbed her wrist, just before she could jab it in

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