Chapter 35 - Olympians in... Rädslaheim

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"Never thought I'd see the day where Loki was cleaning up the great hall" Gefjon said as she leaned on the door eating a pear

"THE FUCKING HAG NEARLY PULLED MY EAR OFF" He yelled as he brushed the floor with a broom, making Hel smirk

"Watch your damn tongue" Sól added as she tidied the hearth

"Where did you say these... guests are from?" Sif asked

"Mount Olympus" Hel replied, sitting by the warm fire

"WHAT?! Like Olympians? The gods?" Njörd asked

"No Njörd, Zeus isn't coming to Rädslaheim" Frigg giggled

"The Powerholders I mean, stupid child" Hel added

"And you're sure they're on our side? How can you be so positive" Freyr asked

"Cause I know them. Idiot" Hel replied

"Fucking perfect. It just had to be Greeks" Loki complained

"What do you have against Greek people?" Gefjon asked

"I hate them. They're so pretentious" he replied

"Loki is there anyone you don't hate" Frigg asked

"Sif" He replied

"Hehe I'm in his good books today. Hel wanted him to feed the horses but I volunteered" She added

"Loki does that include me do you like me too" Thor asked

"Fuck you Thor" Loki said

"Okay" Thor scratched his beard

"And when are they coming?" Freyr asked

"You ask me one more questions and so help me Odin I will turn you to horse feed" Hel said


"Hehe alright easy. Maybe Freyja can sing us some of her songs when they come" Frigg added

"Maybe" Freyja said as she braided the chief's hair

"They should be here at sun down. They were sent by Zeus and Athena, I know you hate help, Freyr, but we can only hold off those Egyptians for so long. If they get through us, they get to our villagers. This group is coming to help us" Hel said

"Loki you'll be on your best behavior, right?" Frigg eyeballed him

"I'll do what I damn well wan- OW! Yes okay whatever!" Loki said as he was smacked by Gefjon

"I'm just hoping they're at least reasonable" Thor added

This time the boat was much more calm, much more... silent. None of them saw much of Nyx, apart from the occasional smoke she would take on the deck. Apollo being the only one to get through to her, and so, the responsibility fell onto Atlas to explain the plan now

"My dad said that, since we uh... failed to cooperate with the Chinese Powerholders, Athena is sending us to aid the Nordic countries directly. We're going to a uh, random rural village in the forest that's a very important point of interest apparently. Reedsla- I don't know, Apollo how was it pronounced?" Atlas asked as they sat around the table eating the Taramasalata and Dolmades that Aether made

"Rädslaheim" Apollo said

"Right" Atlas replied

"I assume there's gonna be Nordic Powerholders there" Gaea added

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