My shame is smeared.

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When you were in district seven, you had nothing. Your purpose had all come to nothing. You were nothing, your mother couldn't work, due to her disease from the war, she was bed bounded leaving only your dad to support the house hold. The scum of the district. And yet, somehow you had someone. At the age of ten you had Treech, someone who, had whilst starting off mean and disinterested in you, had grown attached to your hip at the age of ten.

Firm and fast friends, is how many had described you in your youth. Treech, whilst a handsome young boy at the time had plenty of girls falling at his feet, making him daisy chains and giving him small treats and yet, he never showed an interest in anyone until he was much older. Focussing on running around the woods with his friends and playing with you.

He liked keeping you separate from his friends, he didn't like you mixing with them. To him, you were his slice of escape. When you did join them, he'd have a pout. His bottom lip projecting outwardly as he became meaner to his friends until they dropped you both to go and play hide and seek in the woods, only then would the pout leave Treeches face, as it returned back to that smiling, happy young boy.


"I don't understand. What do you mean you're leaving?" A thirteen year old Treech snapped staring at you harshly. You frown feeling your gaze fall from his face. "I was offered a role, an opportunity in the Capitol. They need more peacekeepers." You whisper as you both sit deep in the woods, in your spot. He kicked some stones with his shoe, his eyes never meeting yours.

As of recent, Treech had been given his designated spot in the district as a lumberjack, destined to spend his days chopping wood and shipping it to the other parts of the district. He had grown more irritable because of it, from exhaustion? Repetitive routine? You couldn't seem to figure it out.

His nose had significantly wrinkled in disgust at the mention of the Capitol. Since the first games had started when you were eight, Treech had always openly showed his disgust for them. "So what, you're going to join the Capitol, the enemy-" you quickly intercept. "Don't be like that Treech! And I'm not doing it on purpose, you know it's been hard on my family. I'm going to give them a chance to build more funds up, and to make my own money."

"So you go to the Capitol instead? Wow.. great choice y/n. The place that made the problem start." He snapped his eyes meeting yours finally, a look of hatred on his face. You could feel your eyes begin to water. You didn't like fighting with Treech. Even as a kid, you hated it. You'd always end up crying, and Treech, who even in his anger would then try and make it up to you. You raise a hand harshly rubbing your eyes.

He then seemed to let out a huff his shoulders falling as he stood up from the ground joining your side at the tree that peered over the lake, he leaned his head into your shoulder. Even as he grew taller than you, he still found himself doing it. It was a comforting feeling being so close to each other that even you found yourself exposing your neck for him to lean into.
"When do you go?" He whispered out staring at the lake. You peaked at him from the corner of your eye. "In two days..." you murmur back frowning at the little time you had left. You could feel him tense up again.

"You gave me loads of time to prepare didn't you.." he tried to tease weakly as he buried his face deeper into your shoulder. "I was nervous." You scoffed in response pulling your shoulder away from him. He gave you an annoyed look as it forced him to stand up straight. "I'll write to you, every day I'll write, and if I can, I'll visit every month. So I won't miss anything." You try and comfort him smiling hopefully. He let out a huff. "As if the Capitols gonna give someone from seven holiday... I bet they don't even let pregnant woman off."

You let out a small chuckle turning to Treech. "They sent me my uniform. I'm not even sure what a peacekeepers supposed to do, it's a new rank apparently.." you say unsurely as you scratch your head. He looks at you strangely. "Use the name you idiot... peace... keeper... you keep the peace." You give him a dumbfounded look. "I know that." You hiss scoffing again.

It goes quiet for a long period as you both stare at each other. "I'm going to miss you..." you whisper out taking his pinky in yours giving it a firm squeeze. "Don't forget to write to me.. every single day just as you said." He whispers back. A promise. Only you, Treech, and the woods would ever know was made.

You clung to that promise as you got on the train to the Capitol, you clung even tighter as you saw Treech through the window, skipping work to see you off, you watched him to run to keep up with the train shouting words of support and love, causing your tears to fall even faster.


Hi guys! My third Treech book. WOAH. Anyways! This is a short little chapter just to give some back story and understanding as what Treech and y/ns relationship will be like when he's sent to the games :) I do hope you like reading this one as you did my other two books.

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