His life.

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Sejanus, came out before the rest of the students, a rage you had never seen before covered his face, marring his once kind face.

As he began to rush ahead, out into the halls, and down and out the door, you kept quiet. This was unlike him, you knew that.

Something had happened. His fury was unmatched from this moment, from interactions with his father to mother nothing had resulted in this much anger.

Eventually, before you knew it, you had reached the arena, you could see every tribute lined up, shoved violently near the entrance.

You could hear tearful words of a child, she's trying to comfort the older kids. You recognised her as Wovey. She's the little girl from the textile district.

Next to her, her tribute has one of the most angry faces you had seen, worse than those captains who trained you. He looked at her with a softness, familiarity, using his one arm to comfort her with a small shoulder rub.

"Do you think we're dirt?" You hear a whisper, you look to Sejanus, he had tightly clenched fists, his eyes directed firmly to the tributes and the approaching mentors.

"The people in my class, they think we're nothing. They see us as nothing. They want to make the games even harsher..." he murmurs as he begins to fiddle with his uniform, so this is why he's upset.

"If they think we're dirt, we'll prove them wrong, someday." You say simply your eyes staying closely on Treech, he was arguing with a Peacekeeper.

You watched as suddenly, the peacekeeper grabbed his uniform dragging him to be face to face with them. You look to Sejanus, who just as equally mortified, watched the scene.

You moved faster then you realised, charging towards the other peacekeeper, using your metallic arm to thrust the guard away, gently pulling on Treech with your other arm.

"Do we have a problem here?" You snap, watching the peacekeeper snarl. "Doesn't involve you dog. Go back to your master." You scowl, tightening your grip on their uniform.

"Watch it."

Suddenly Treech is pulled away from you, angrily glaring at the peacekeeper, his gaze was dragged to his mentor, who had pushed him away, like he was nothing.

"It's not your concern, mutt. This is my tribute, and if the peacekeeper sees it fit, they can correct his behaviour." She snaps, hissing closely to your face. "Or else I'll tell your masters daddy, get you sent to isolation."

You frown, letting go of the peacekeeper, making sure to give him a harsh push, knocking him to the floor. You look down at Treech.

'I'm sorry.' You mouth to him. as you turn back to Sejanus, you notice his frown of disgust directed to the mentor. "I can't believe you let her speak to you like that." He hisses out, his eyes slanting at her face.

You frown.

"She's right."


You join Marcus with Sejanus, who had begun to look worse for wear. He had been refusing to eat. You knew that. What Sejanus gave him, he ignored or gave it away.

He wanted to die.

You watch as Sejanus offers out food again to him, slowly, afraid. Treating him like an animal. Marcus simply ignores him, staring into the red lights in the passage, the passage that would take people into the arena,

to their deaths.

Slowly, you all begin to move into the arena, it was big, that's what you noticed. Even with the small passage way in, the light was large, reflecting out into your eyes.

It was a gladiator inspired one, stone walls built high up, giving little to no chance of survival.

The bricks were sturdy, unfaltering, slowly mentors began to seperate from their tributes, joining in small groups to discuss dramas, and school work.

Sejanus, despite Marcus and his obvious disgust, stayed close to him. Talking his ears off over strategies and possible ideas.
Treech, stood close to Lamina, his eyes enlarged at the sight of the arena.

He's planning.

You couldn't help but smile in relief. He's planning ahead on how to survive. You could see Lamina seemed frozen. She had tears running down her cheeks, she was the opposite to Treech.

She knew she had no chance.

"Hey! Lumberjack, c'mere."

Coral. You recognised her from her violent nature she had shown. She was the district four female.

She had gathered with two boys, one being mizzen from her district. And another, the girl who had killed her mentors tribute partner.

You watched as his eyes fell from her, to you, to then lamina. "Lamina!" He calls out, nodding his head towards where Coral stood.

Lamina instantly began to move towards him, her fear of being alone closing in on her, engulfing her whole. You knew that if he left her, or she was left alone at all in the games, she might just give in.

"No. No just you. Just you."

Coral spits out, shaking her head at him, her eyes staring deep at him, if he says no, he'll be another target..

You watch him pause, he's asked to go. Without Lamina. You could feel your heat begin to pound for the girl as he slowly began to move to Coral. He looks back nervously at Lamina who simply watches, her shoulders rising as she takes a deep breath.

You could see the tears begin to well in her eyes. She's terrified. She's alone now in the games with no backing. She'll die.

You look quickly to Sejanus who nods, go. He's letting you go to her, you move quickly towards her, gently grasping her arm in a tight grip.

"It's gonna be ok." You whisper into her ear as her sobs begin to slowly choke out, she'll vomit again if she cries any harder. You shush her rubbing her back.

You watch as Treech begins to loose attention on Coral and her planning, his eyes wondering to you and Lamina, a look of guilt crossing his face. You simply glare at him, shaking your head.

What a twat.

A loud whirring catches your attention, you look up towards the roof of the arena, something big, and dark has appeared close to the ceiling.

Treech, coral and the other boys stare up, all tributes and mentors have silenced themselves, their eyes desperately beginning to search the sky for the noise.

You bring Lamina behind you, recognising its form.

A rebel ship.

"You need to run." You snap at her, gently pushing her away towards the exit.

Stone falling, poles and berms crashing down, once in place to hold the arena now failing. glass, begin to rain down, cutting anyone down in its path.


Omg... guys do you want us to save snow or not. I kinda want us to not and to like drag Sejanus out.. but then we r supposed to be a good peacekeeper 🥳

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