The messes you made.

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As you sit down, you can already feel yourself ready to smash your head into the table at the loud voice of Flickerman.

"Reaper is still top of the board-"

"They aren't showing what happened last night. One of the tributes got murdered..." you heard the girl sat in the seat near Snow whisper.

You feel yourself tense up at her words. They didn't know. To your surprise, even though you had somewhat expected it. Dr Gaul had protected you, hiding the murder as much as possible.

But still for entertainment, leaving Bobbins brutalised body as it was.

"It doesn't made sense there's cameras everywhere-"

"They said they're old cameras probably another one of Corals..." to your suprise Snow cut in, lying for you, as he settles further into his seat.

Your attention is bought back to the screen as the camera pans to Lucy Gray, sat close to Jessup, who had gotten even closer to looking like a corpse.

As you watched Lucy Gray attempt to lean over and comfort him, suddenly something started spewing from his mouth, a white foam type substance.

Oh no.

Before anyone could say anything, Lucy Gray had backed up, attempting to run from Jessup as he bounded after her.

"What'd you do to me!" He snarled, chasing her through the tunnels into the arena.

"Somethings happened he wouldn't turn on her.." the girl mumbled watching the fight continue.

"She needs to Go to the stands..." you mumble watching as Lucy Gray sprinted up, and across the arena, Jessup tumbling and constantly tripping on the rubble gave her some advantage.

As she continued to climb, you could hear Jessup screaming out now. "What did you do to me!" He sounded in such pain.

Snow was up on his feet in an instance, eyeing the scene before him, next to him the girl stood watching her tribute, with such earnest. Such care.

"The foam..." your eyes widened, as you looked at Snow. "It's rabies."

"The bite from the train.." the girl whispered her eyes leaving the screen to look at you, horror crossing her face.

"Send water." Snow demanded.

She turned to stare at him. "Wait what?"

"The posters, in the war rabies makes you afraid of water."

She let out a gasp leaning away from Snow as he got in her face. "That'll scare him.."

"Away from her." He snapped. "Your the only one who-"

She suddenly moved to her screen, clicking on some buttons before a loud sound echoed the arena.

"Thank you..." snow whispered.

She frowned leaning away. "Nothing to be proud of."

Your attention was fully on the screen now, Lucy Gray was cornered trapped underneath Jessup as he tried to grab or bite at her.

You could hear her pleas and cries, begging him to get away.

"What is wrong with me! What did you-"

Suddenly a loud sound of glass shattering, and Jessup was screaming, falling backwards desperately trying to peel his now wet clothes off of his skin.

With a loud echoing crunch, his back slammed into the concrete, shattering his spine.  You shut your eyes tightly at the sound, you couldn't help it

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