Your in the wind.

276 19 86

Your body felt like it had turned into stone as you Gaul stood over you, the screen still showing Treech, then Lucy Gray.

Gaul seemed to be angered. Perplexed almost. Her snake plan didn't kill off the majority,in fact it did the opposite.

It left the final two alive.

"Please... Dr Gaul-"

"Quiet." She hissed turning on her heel, her fists tightly clenched.

"Get up. Now! Miss L/n before I have you dumped into the arena to finish the job." She snapped, quickly you rose to your feet, giving your metal arm a quick move as you followed after her.

The halls felt miles as you desperately rushed after Gaul. You needed to get back to a screen. Now. You needed to see what was happening.

Your heart was racing, your palms drenched. Your eyes had begun to glaze too.

Treech was alive,

your Treech was in the final two. He was going to make it. He had a fifty percent chance of winning.

Of staying alive.

Of coming back to you.

The doors quietly creaked open. You could see almost every single student had risen to their feet. Angrily shouting and snapping their jaws. They were furious. Devastated for what they were watching.

They wanted Lucy Gray and Treech out.

They wanted Treech, and Lucy Grays freedom.

Snow was only stood solemnly. His face pale, his eyes blown wide. His hands were tightly fisted at his side as he helplessly looked around.

Lucy Gray looked to be out of breath.

Like she'd be holding in air as the snakes began to creep towards her. You could feel your own chest tightening for her as the snakes clambered up and around the rocks. Snapping their jaws, licking desperately, for a taste of her skin.

And still on the scoreboard, was Treech. He looked ill, ready to go. Completely done for. But he was fighting it.

His knuckle had gone completely white as he gripped onto the axe. His hat now sat lopsided on his head.

Treech wanted to live.

"She won." He suddenly spoke up, his eyes beginning to search the crowd.

Gaul only ignored the boy as he gazed finally caught your form next to her. Her eyes sharpened, like a predator as she eye'd the screen.

Soon, the camera panned from the two tributes to the broken open the jar. Gauls eyes turned predatory. She'd seen something no one else had.

"It's over she's won! She's won let her out!-"

"That's not your call to make Snow." Flickerman spoke up, using his cane to point at Gaul.

She continued to watch the screen, disgust becoming even more imminent on her face.

The crowd seemed to roar even louder, shouts, demands filling the hall. Yet, the screen continued to pan back to Lucy Gray as she desperately pushed herself backwards.

"You're headed... for heaven, the sweet old here after."

She was singing. Lucy Gray was singing.

"And I've got one foot in the door.."

The screen panned to Treech who, even in his haze, who was sat not swaying as much, his eyes desperately on Lucy Gray. Sweat dripping down his face.

grounds unknown. (Treech)Where stories live. Discover now