Im in the water.

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You didn't know what to do.

You were moving in slow motion, staring down at yourself as if you were in a play, screaming. In your hands tightly clutched was Treeches hat.

It didn't smell like him anymore.

It smelt more of the horrors of the arena.

The dust, the blood and The sweat of those kids sent to fight to death.

coming out of the arena, falling into your arms? Treech looked vulnerable. The most vulnerable you had ever seen him look.

You weren't children anymore. Though you guessed neither of you had been for a long time. You just wanted to go home.

Your chest was Burning, and tightly clenched. You really wanted to go home. Treech had won, and you'd succeeded in getting Sejanus out.

Gaul still had half of her bargain to uphold.

To let you go home.

You only tightened your grip as you walked down the hallways to the main entrance.

For the first time of being here you felt truly lost.

You didn't have a Sejanus or Snow to follow after, to guide you through the motions of the academy. and the sad thing was, without someone to follow? You were hopeless here.

"You're looking a bit lost Miss L/n."

You turn on your heel firmly, your eyes hardening at the sight of Dr Gaul, leaned against the desk, her hands clasped tightly.

"I'm not." You said firmly.

She only hummed. Looking you over, her eyes landing on the hat in your hands.

"You have heard of Snows cheating I'm assured?"

"Yes." You responded.

"Unfortunately I can't send you home."

"What?" You snapped stepping closer to the woman. "You promised-"

"I don't make promises, Miss L/n. I never keep them when I do." She only smiled shrugging.

"Besides I'm not your master, nor are you my dog. Mr Plinth had ordered it we give you the message of going straight back to the Plinth manor."

"Why?" You asked slowly, stepping closer once more.

"Your master plans to follow after snow.. perhaps he's more of a dog than you." She says coldly continuing to watch you with cold eyes.

"Run along now."

The walk back to the Plinth manor was quick.

Entering the large home, your eyes immediately fell to the Plinth family sat silently in the large living room.

Sejanus's mother had a soaked handkerchief in her hand, her eye makeup smudged. Mr Plinth had his arms firmly crossed over his chest, his brows lined deep with thought.

And Sejanus.

Sat like a scolded child. His own face soured as his father glared at him.

As soon as Mr Plinth heard your footsteps he was on his feet, coming towards you with such determination you almost felt intimidated.

"Go on then Sejanus." The man sneered, now stood near your side.

"Let's tell your guard your plan and see if even she would approve!" He barked, his eyes glaring deep into his son.

Sejanus was instantly up despite his mother's protests, his eyes were filled with some kind of sadness you hadn't seen.

"Coryos been banished to the districts. I'm going with him." Sejanus said quietly.

grounds unknown. (Treech)Where stories live. Discover now