Its you and i.

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Sejanus and Snow then shared a look. You couldn't describe it, a whole conversation had happened without any words. You felt a shiver run up your spine as Snow rose to his feet, crowds of people began to disperse from the hall, Sejanus too rose to his feet. He gave you a nod as you followed them both in tow walking out of the hall.

Treech had been picked. Every reaping you'd pray and pray. And yet it was futile. How cruel was this game? You knew that in the time you had been gone, he'd be very different. Maybe he did have a chance now. Maybe he was going to be ok. You look down. You wished you could go home. You missed home. You missed your mum. Your dad. You didn't even know if they were alive anymore. You didn't even know if Treech was alive until his name and face showed up.

You watched as the men weaved through the halls, and out of the academy. Neither of the men were supposed to finish until late into the afternoon. And yet, mid morning they had. You frown as you noticed them entering into the train station. Oh.

You came to a stop as Sejanus separated from Snow, he paused for a moment turning to face you. "Go. Go find your district. I know you know them. I saw your face." He whispered giving you a wink. You let out a sigh of relief, a small smile gracing your gaze. "Thank you.." immediately you leave Sejanus near the front of the train as tributes begin to climb off, you see each pair help the other down. Either because they're too small, or too weak. Eventually, your eyes catch Laminas bright red hair as she clambers out of the train sniffing and wiping her nose.

You didn't know Lamina very well, the few times she joined you in playing games as a child, it wasn't very long until she would begin to cry if the game got too rough or she didn't win. Causing most children to not want to join her in any games. She however was a skilled flower weaver, making the most secure, and beautiful crowns that almost everyone begged her to make for them. They'd last for days and you'd always been interested into knowing why. But she'd only place a finger over her mouth winking at you. 

You take in a deep breath,closing your eyes for a few seconds.

Out comes Treech.

He looks older, much taller with squared shoulders. His face tense, worried. His hair once curled and neat upon his head as a child, now lay flatly upon his head. His once shiny brown eyes looked cold, and exhausted. Immediately after stepping down his eyes catch onto yours.

You notice an immediate shift in his expression. It became harsher, angrier as he stared at your approach. "I thought you were a peacekeeper. Not whatever job has you wearing Capitol clothes." He eyed you angrily. "I am, it's just I got a new position, my job is-"

"I don't care." He snarked rolling his eyes. You pause for a moment unsure how to go about his hostility."Where were you." He snapped suddenly staring at you. Something deep lying under his expression. "Working. I couldn't write, they didn't let me send letters. And then.. I couldn't physically either." You croak out your eyes staring at the floor. He scoffs. "Too busy joining hands with the Capitol then? Just say you don't care. Don't use stupid excuses." He snarls as Lamina suddenly knocks his ribs quietly saying his name.

You let out a quiet sigh raising your arm, rolling up the sleeve revealing the bionic wires and metal attached to your upper arm, it lets out a screech from old age as you flex your arm carefully twisting it around to show Treech. Laminas gaze widens as she covers her mouth at the site. Treeches eyes widen for a split second before returning to a look of anger. "Do something stupid?"

You frown. "I saved the man I work fors life." He rolls his eyes as another peacekeeper approaches. "L/n." You turn on your heel facing the man. He was the old commander of your group. He was a harsh cruel man who showed no mercy. When you were fifteen and lost your arm, he teased you  mercilessly for days. You could feel your fists clenching tightly.

"Tell me something L/n. If your assigned to protect someone, why the hell are you here, when their over there." He snapped raising a brow. "Sir I was just..." the guard let out a huff about to grill into you, just as Sejanus immediately cut in coming to your side. "I told her it was fine. She didn't break any codes." He smiled calmly trying to diffuse the situation. Treeches eyes widened at the sight of someone from the Capitol protecting you. Just as he was about to speak, the guard who had only stared at you for a moment began to snap. "Fine. I need to get these two on the truck, so you two need to move out of the way." Snapped the guard pushing you out of the way.

"Hey! What the fuck!" Before Treech could say anything to get him trouble, the guard had grabbed his arms tightly behind his back forcing him forwards. "Let's go lumber boy. Onto the van now. Don't make this difficult." Treech turned to stare at you fighting desperately against the grip he had on him.

"You..!" Before Treech could finish he chucked carelessly into the van followed by a bawling Lamina. Then the next few pairs were marched in. As the doors began to close, a flash of red caught your attention as Snow, bolts for it. Clambering up and into the van. Sejanus's jaw drops wide open. "Oh my god." You raise an amused brow. They were gonna eat him alive... snow was not coming out of there alive, and if he was, he was going to be half dead.

Sejanus turns to you. "We need to figure out where they go from here. I want to bring Marcus food, and, I think you would like to help that boy, right?" He asked quietly. You look around before nodding. "He's my friend..." you murmur. Sejanus stares at you stunned. "How come I never see you write to them? Or send letters?" He asks. You simply turn your gaze from his ashamed. "The Capitol checks every single district peacekeeper letters sent out. Everything  I wrote, they didn't like."


Treech is NOT looking too happy with you, you silly goose. Anyways!! I might upload later tonight or tomorrow idk we will see 🥳

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