Nowhere to go but up.

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You were on the train early the next morning.

You, along with Sejanus road with his (somewhat) large luggage and your (small) luggage to the station. As soon as you reached the station, immediately Sejanus was deeply cleaned, his skin scrubbed raw along with yours.

Then, he was sat down roughly, and his once curly, fine hair was shaved into nothing but a buzzcut. You could see his heart almost shatter at that, his hand nervously running though its new style.

Quickly two sets of clothes were shoved at you both. The peacekeeper body suits. The ones you were to wear off duty, and the other? The off white suit that you wore on duty. 

Once arriving at your platform for departure, dressed in your blue suits, the peacekeepers on guard began to make demands that The last two Plinths leave.

You couldn't help the twinge in your heart at the sight of Mrs Plinth crying gently, whilst her grip on Sejanus didn't cease. In their moment, Mr Plinth took the opportunity to come to you.

"Oh Sejanus... your hair.." she blubbered, her red nails cupping his cheeks gently. Mr Plinth then cleared this throat catching your attention.

"Remember why your going." He said quietly, enough so Sejanus who was now also crying, wouldn't hear you.

"Yes sir."

"Keep him safe?"

"Yes sir."

Mr Plinth only nods slowly, moving back to his son, his large hand wrapping around his wife's wrist gently pulling her away.

"Let's go.. Sejanus?" Mr Plinth said, Sejanus looked almost, almost frightened at the possibility of his fathers words

Yet, before he could speak, The Peacekeepers began to grab you both, and usher you both into the stations cabin. Inside, a lady sat at a desk, with three stacks of papers. Resignation forms you'd assume.

"Name?" She croaked out, her eyes not meeting either of yours.

"Sejanus Plinth." Sejanus then turned to look at you, giving you a small nod.

"Y/n L/n.." you said slowly, your eyes firmly on the woman. She gave a quick take at the two of you, before sighing.

"Your both in District-"

"Where did Coriolanus Snow get sent too?" Sejanus cut in. You threw him a cautious look. You wanted to scream. He was going for Coriolanus, if he was in a different district he'd throw a fit.

She took a moment, looking at her sheets. "District twelve."

"Send us there please." Sejanus asked.

desperately his hands coming to the desk, carefully he moved his sleeve, revealing you'd assume at least a dozen golden coins. You could almost see drool begin to spill from the ladies lips in front of you.

"Twelve it is..." she said with a shrug, stamping down a red Panem sign firmly. "To the left, the dust coal covered train."

You nod slowly, following after Sejanus who immediately climbed up and into one of the cabins. Inside was a variety of people from different statuses. Some you assumed must be here on punishment, others? You assume may have chosen to come.

"Coryo is not here..." Sejanus muttered, his eyes surveying the room. One of the men who had overheard you let out a loud scoff as the trains whistle sounded.

"Snow? He's being a puss. Probably having a cry in the cart over." He laughed nodding towards the doors at the back.

You couldn't help but scoff, a small laugh bubbling in your throat. Sejanus only rolled his eyes.

He had this coming.... He deserved a beating and a cry.

Sejanus only nodded, a small thank you leaving his mouth as he turned on his heel, making a beeline straight for the door.

He carefully opened the doors, and much to your surprise? Coriolanus Snow was not crying but was in fact now sat alone on one of the chairs, watching as the train began to move.

His once blonde hair had been buzzed down to nothing, his eyes sunken in and his blue peacekeeper uniform, was creased at his posture.

"I'm not surprised to see you sat here by yourself." Sejanus spoke up, disturbing the silence of the cart.

Instantly Coriolanus Snow was on his feet.

"Sejanus? What are you doing here?" He said slowly, exchanging a glance between you and Sejanus.

"What do you think?" Sejanus couldn't help but chuckle at Coriolanus's surprise.

"For what happened in the arena... my father had to buy the school a new gym so I could get my diploma-" Sejanus tossed his bag carelessly on the seat, reaching to take yours and drop it down too.

"My father begged me to stay but once I found out where you were going? Couldn't have gone fast enough onto the train with this stupid knee." He nodded down, bandages were still wrapped firmly under his trouser leg, a sign of healing compared to the crutches he had apparently donned the day after.

"You volunteered for this?" Snow couldn't help but seem disgusted as you and Sejanus sat down opposite him.

Sejanus only shook his head, giving you a heavy look. "Not both of us.."

"I figured I'd get through basic.. then become a medic.. Y/ns... I don't know-"

"I'm going home." You said firmly. "I've already done basic training so they'll dump me straight on duty.. then I'm going to try and go back to seven after you're done."

"Good luck with that..." snow said roughly. You couldn't help but squint your eyes annoyance flooding you.

"What's that supposed to mean."

"Your to protect Sejanus. I don't think they'll just let you go-"

"I have to try.." you said frowning, your back leaning against the chair, your arms wrapping firmly around you. The cool sensation of the metal instantly woke you up to your situation.

"Do you know what happened? To Treech? Or to lucy-"

"I don't know." You said sighing, interrupting snows interrogation.

"I have no idea. Treech he... you gave your girl poison, didn't you?" You asked slowly. A feeling of anger began to flood your system.

Now you remember. Snow had been the cause of Treeches almost death. He had given Lucy Gray poison to kill off tributes..

"It was to keep her safe."

You couldn't help but scoff. As if. Snow just wanted to win, he didn't care about her.

"Safe my ass-"

"Y/n." Sejanus warned as you leaned forward pressing your elbows to the tables. Sejanus was extremely tense as he watched you and Snow begin to argue.

"You tried to murder Treech. And I bet you had a hand in-"

"Let's not forget you killed bobbin, the boy from eight?" Snow snarled.

"Let's not forget I was going my duty. What were you doing? Being a rebel?" You couldn't help but mock, you pushed yourself upwards keeping a firm glare on Snow.

"You know you're lucky. If I had known and seen you straight after? I'd do the same thing I did to Bobbin to you." You spat.

"Sejanus if you need me just call, I'm going with the others." You finished leaning down to the seat next to Snow, your hands firmly gripping your bag.

You just needed to get through the next couple of weeks. Then you'd ask to move to seven. To hell with Mr Plinths plan, and to hell with the Capitol.

You were going home.



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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