Its just you, and her.

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Through your haze you could see how tense Snow was as he eyed the screen. Lucy Gray had fallen through the roof above Coral and Treech, almost landing on Treeches head.

Lucy Gray let out a scream beginning to sprint as fast as she could out of the hall, Coral almost immediately began to follow her.

"What did she do to him?" You heard a girl call, her eyes widened at Treech. You could feel your own fear begin to take over. Your stomach twisting.

"Treech now!" Coral screamed back at him, he shook his head, desperately trying to clear his mind. Something was really wrong with him.

You could feel your nerves bubbling at him, as he tried to run even faster. His attempts to keep up with Coral weren't in vain as he kept up a somewhat steady pace, not far behind her.

As Lucy Gray made it into the centre, running slightly with a limp. Suddenly Mizzen dropped down, pausing. Coral and Treech also seemed to freeze, looking up into the air.

The power of the wind through the flag that Reaper had draped over the bodies to fly away, sweeping far over into the corner of the arena.

An extremely large drone, with some kind of metal wrapped container was attached to it, slowly being lowered down towards the arena centre. Smashing down on top of the make shift Cornucopia.

Snow seemed to pause even more, his face full of fear. His hands were tightly clenched, his eyes turning to you. "Go clean up. You're bleeding everywhere and you need to get your stitches redone."

You could feel your eyes widen. "I can't. Treech-"

He only shook his head glaring at you. "Go." He snapped.

You could feel your breathing change as delirium was beginning to take over. You were loosing blood, fast.

You would be quick. Get checked out by Gaul then come back. That's all. You began to leave the hall as fast as you could, looking over your shoulder at the scene.

Most of the tributes were frozen, eyeing the container. It was made of glass, something was slivering around inside. You only shook your head. You wouldn't take too long. You'd be fast.

Not too long later, you'd managed to make it to the desk by Gauls office. The man on shift didn't have to get a second glance at you to know why you were here.

"Go in, Gauls there. She'll Stitch you up. Don't waist her time." The man hissed, continuing to file through the pages on his desk.

You felt yourself let out a huff of relief, relaxing slightly. You wouldn't have to wait. Quickly you pushed the large doors to Gauls office with ease, blood seeping from your wound and into your clothes heavily.

It took some effort to push the large mahogany doors open but you did it. As you made your way inside, Gaul was seated at the same table from the night before, eyeing a small screen.

As she heard your footsteps, she looked up at you with a wicked, small smile. "Miss L/n. Now that is a lot of blood."

You nod slowly, swaying slightly. "I need help."

She only seemed to smile wider looking from you to the screen. With a simple push she rose up from her seat, gesturing for you to sit down.

"You can watch the games with me then." She let out a laugh. "Only whilst I fix you up. I think you will quite like my creations, some of them were inspired by your district."

You could feel yourself grow nervous. What did she mean by that? You carefully came over settling into the seat. A small hiss leaving your mouth as she undid your shirt, pulling your arm off with ease.

grounds unknown. (Treech)Where stories live. Discover now