I cant protect you.

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"Seven tributes remain!" You heard Flickerman snap out. "Merciless Mizzen, cunning Coral, treacherous Treech-"

Ouch. You knew if Treech heard that name, he'd have thrown the axe as hard as he could into the screen and into Lucky Flickermans head.

You could feel your arm throbbing slightly, the pain from yesterday had returned but not as strong. Just a dull ache of what once was there.

As you gently rubbed the metal attached to your arm, you could hear quiet coughing coming from the screen, as your focus returns, you can see Dill.

She looked worse than ever, stumbling, grabbing tightly onto rocks, making her way into the middle, to the water. She was a sickly pale that was a stark contrast to her bright orange her.

She fell sharply to her knees, her hands tightly clasping the water as she took deep breaths. Despite her state, she'd managed to rip the lid off of the water.

Holding it tightly before raising it to her cracked lips. You could see Snow tense as she took sip after sip.

She continued to cough despite the water, the cough no longer sounding painful and dusty.

But harsh, and forceful. Her body began to lean to the side as saliva came up from her gums and tongue, eventually forcing her to lay down into a ball position in the middle of the arena.

A final cough left her, before she went to sleep. "Dill!" You could hear Reaper snap over and over as he made his way into the cameras frame.

He began running, dropping his sword as he knelt at her side, shaking her shoulder lightly. "Dill, wake up..." realisation seemed to cross his face as he turned her over.

"Dill? Dill... hey?" He tried again, cupping her cheek. "Dill get up.. Dill!" He was shouting now allowing her body to fall from his arms.

She was dead.

His face was quick to morph to horror from the realisation, a loud scream leaving him. He didn't stop for a long minute before cries took the screamings place.

A loud buzz only finalised the dark reality. Dill was done for. It was the end of her games.

In that split second, his sadness had morphed into something deeper, an anger, a ferocity you hadn't seen from anyone except Treech.

His eyes felt like they had met yours as he stared up into the camera, eventually reaching down and tightly grabbing Dill.

He pulled her up with a care, treating her as if she was sleeping as he moved her towards the beam, where Laminas fresh body, and Marcus's rotted one lay.

He removed his hat, sweat dripping down his face as he rolled Lamina from her face, onto her back. Moving her closer to the two.

He then rose again and again, moving not just Tanner, but Bobbin Towards the now row of corpses, all laid in a single file together, looking gentle, as if they were sleeping.

He then reached down plucking the sword from Bobbins hands, tossing it to the side, before his eyes moved again, this time to the Panem flag.

With ease he tore it from its metal post, causing anger to rise in the students, muttering and shouts of disgust towards the screen.

"He just tore down the flag..." you heard Flickerman mutter as you kept your eyes on Reaper who was moving faster now, dragging the flag through the dirt towards the bodies.

With a gentle nature you hadn't seen since Lucy Grays care for Jessup.

he covered the dead tributes with the flag, like a blanket, before turning to the screen, anger eminently appearing again on his face.

grounds unknown. (Treech)Where stories live. Discover now