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You walk a few feet behind Sejanus as you began to make your way back to the Plinth manor. Sejanus was silent. His gaze casted firmly to the floor, away from any looks of disgust. You kept your eyes ahead. Walking firmly, not being able to wait to remove your arm. The ache that had been so painful once was still there, just as a dull ache to the thoughts in your head.

That girl is dead. She is gone because you weren't brave. Because you followed an order. You followed what Sejanus and Treech asked you to do, and now she's gone. Bled out and cold. You could feel guilt grab your neck tightly. Even if she was a huge asshole, she was still a person of the Capitol, someone you were guided to protect.

"Hey, when... when you gave Marcus stuff did he take it?" Sejanus quietly and suddenly spoke up. His gaze going to you as his steps came to a stop outside the manor. You nod slowly, as you also followed suit coming to a stop. "Yes.. he took it." Sejanus nods slowly before deciding on what to say next. "If I gave you stuff to take, for him. Would you go?" He asked quietly, his gaze returning back to the floor. If you did this, you could go back and see Treech, but what if he didn't want to see you?

You nod. "Whatever you want Sejanus." He smiled at that and slightly coughed. "I wish you didn't take everything I said as an order." He murmured, scuffing his feet on the ground. You look up at strangely. "I'm to protect you, that's why your father got a peacekeeper." He let out an offended scoff. Shaking his head slightly, he began to climb the steps. "Wait here. I'm going to go and get some stuff for you to take." You nod quietly, even if he didn't see it he knew you would listen.

As he returned he held out three packages of food, and three waters. "For him, and your friends ok?" He said pulling his hands away as you took them, his eyes went to your dog tags. "Here, I'll hold onto them and I'll give them to you tomorrow. If any peacekeepers saw you with them, and you weren't with me? You'd get beaten again." He said solemnly, you nodded pulling the dog tags over your head and dropping them into his hands.

Before Sejanus walks away, he pauses for a moment. "Tomorrow, the mentors are supposed to have some kind of talk with the tributes, and then we check out the arena."

"Why is this important?" You ask solemnly, realisation slowly settling in your mind.

He smiled half heartedly, "Come up with ways to keep your friend alive. I'll focus on Marcus. I doubt Treech? Treech, has any hope with his mentor keeping him alive." He said with a lack of certainty in his name.


As you began to retrace your steps, back to the zoo. You could feel your heart pounding, you slowed, no peacekeepers. Not a single one stood in front of the cage guarding it.

Thank god. In the cages, the tributes had all ducked out of site, sat in between shrubs and trees. The sky covering them in darkness and cold. "Treech? Lamina?" You quietly call, trying not to attract the attention of the other tributes. You felt your head snap at the sound of a twig breaking.


"You came back? Your ok?" He asked almost, frantically? You let out a breath smiling gently. "Yeah I'm ok." You nod. You hold out two of the food packs and water. "It's for you and Lamina." He tilts his head to the side, a dry look on his face. "Let me guess... Sejanus? Supplied it. How sweet of him."

He rolled his eyes taking it from your hands. You scoff crossing your arms. "Be nice. Sejanus is a good guy and you know what? He isn't Capitol." At that information Treeches eyes returned to yours. "He's not?" He seemed gagged at the information. "Now you make me seem like an even bigger asshole.." he murmurs placing down the food and water. You let out a breath of a laugh clenching the bars tightly.

"Listen. Tomorrow, early. They're coming to collect you, to bring you to some converting attempt to make you plan for the games, then you and your mentor will go to the arena." You say firmly. He nods slowly taking in the information, carefully adjusting his hat, just as he once did when he was nervous.

"And what about you? Will you be there?" He asks coming even closer to you by the bars. You nod. "I'm to protect Sejanus. Of course I'll be there."

You and Treech are both silent for a long time. His eyes take in your appearance. You had changed, your eyes were tired, exhausted. And from the once red typical clothes from district seven you wore, you now wore dark colours. Signifying your work for house Plinth. His eyes had softened significantly.

"When are you allowed home? To come back to seven?" He asked his head resting on the bar, near your hand. You swallow looking down. "Unless I'm sick, close to death, or severely injured to the point where I might die, I can't just.. go." You murmur out. He frowns. "When you lost your arm, your parents they don't know?" You shook your head. "I tried to tell them. I did but, it didn't work..."

He frowns at that, leaning down to pick up the food packs, and water. He stops himself leaving, turning to look at you, one last time.

"We had a promise. Just one. That no matter what, we stick together. I don't plan on loosing the games. And when I go home? I'm taking you with me." He said firmly, walking back to where Lamina sat, half asleep.

You felt your eyes become watery.

You begin to walk away from the far left of the cage, further towards where Marcus was sat. "Hey." You call out, his head turns up to look at you, before scoffing and looking away.

"He sent you? Look I appreciate the gesture..." before he can finish his sentence, you throw the food and bottle at him through the bars, he quickly reacts, catching the water, but being hit in the face with the water. "Dude what the fuck?" He snaps, you roll your eyes placing your hands on your hips.

"Listen, I might have to say it because I work for the Plinths, but I mean it, and you know it. Sejanus is a good guy. He isn't like the Capitol, he is the same as when I first met him when he arrived in the Capitol. Give him some credit... he just wants you to survive." You snap. stepping back from the cage slowly, you notice small tears began to trickle down his face as he looks at the food and water in his hand.

You decided he needed to think on this himself, before you leave you turn to him. "Get some sleep, you have a big day Tomorrow." You say quietly, your eyes drifting to the other tributes, before you began to walk away.


Awh bless 😭😭😭 he wants you back home.. with him 😋😋 too bad that won't happen...
What? Who said that.... ANYWAYS!!! Sorry for the lack of updates today!!! I was out with my mama en papa 😋😋😋😋😋 I might upload later!!! Or tomorrow morning...

I've never written this much!!! I really have been enjoying writing and it's given me good practise. Again!! Thanks for all the support, I don't think I've ever received this much 💕💕💕

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