Maybe im afraid of you.

445 19 62

It was an immediate bloodshed. Without even needing to watch the screen, immediately names were being crossed off the list.

The entirety of district three were gone in minutes, district five fell shortly after. Some went quickly, others lay choking on their blood, it spewing everywhere on the arenas floors.

You could hear Lucy Grays screams for her district partner, Jessup, as she desperately tried to cross the arena to him.

"What is she doing.. run..." snow murmured as he stood on his feet, his eyes scanning the screen, watching her movements. A loud gagging sound dragged your attention from the sight, as a boy leaned over, vomiting all over the floor.

Before you could search the screen, Coral was charging at Lucy Gray, a spear in hand, she flushed it forwards with such a fury that you could feel your own stomach begin to twist.

As Lucy Gray ducked, Corals spear jammed into another boy, crossing off the male tribute from district nine.

Your eyes desperately searched for Treech on the screen. Oh god where was he. Where was your Treech?  Your eyes went to the names. He was still alive. His name hadn't been crossed out. Thank god.

Your eyes returned to the screen again, widening in shock. Lucy Gray was desperately trying to avoid Treech as he violently swung an axe at her.

He jumped from the swinging it harshly downwards, almost slamming it down her neck, but missed as she swiftly dived away. He tried again, but missed again.

"Give it up Treech..." you whispered, your hands clasping tightly over your chest. Please, if there is a god just let him survive this. Please.

Suddenly you hear his scream, An arrow slams directly into his shoulder forcing him to stop attacking Lucy Gray.

Lucy Gray then began to sprint, taking a large risk with the amount of rubble covering the floor, desperately weaving past it to reach Jessup who lay on the floor in a daze.

Suddenly she fell, tripping on the arm of a body with a trident lodged into the victims windpipe. She let out a horrified scream, shoving herself upwards violently, managing to get away.

She quickly grabbed him by the arm, trying to haul him up moving to an extremely large, dangerous looking hole in the ground.

Your eyes went to Coral, who ripped her spear out of a boys chest, her eyes scouring, watching for Lucy Gray.

No. No no.

As the two fell in, Coral started to scream, shouting for Treech, and the rest of her 'pack' to follow.

Treech obediently follows, his hand tightly clenched around the axe as he nervously eyes Corals violent steps towards the hole.

You couldn't watch anymore. You could feel cold sweat begin to form on your forehead. You quickly turn on your heel, forcing your eyes away from the screen.

He'll be fine. Treech will be fine. You knew no matter what, as long as he followed along with Coral he couldn't be hurt.

You quickly exit the hall, ignoring Flickerman and his snide calls to you, begging you for an interview before you left.

As you begin to walk down the steps, your eyes catch onto a hunched over figure, letting out sharp sobs, their form shaking violently.


You quickly rush to his side, sitting next to him on the steps as he stays hunched over, ignoring your presence.

"It's ok... Sejanus I'm so sorry." You whisper, gently placing a hand onto his back, rubbing it softly.

grounds unknown. (Treech)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora