Bite the hand that feeds me.

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Stepping into the academy at this time was something you never did. Not once. Sejanus had made a habit of leaving school as quickly as he could. Avoiding any after school activity or meeting he could.

In turn, you would too.

The burn from the cut on your shoulder was really starting to get to you. You let out a small cry, forcing yourself to stop walking. You needed to take your arm off. It was hurting your wound even more than it would without it.

You quickly removed the metallic arm taking in your stump.

Blood from the cut had run down under the arm and onto the stump. The burns from the heated metal from the rebel attack were still fresh. Unhealed and red.

It was going to scar even worse than before.

As you neared Dr Gauls laboratory, you felt a cold hand grasp tightly onto your good shoulder.

"Y/n." You heard a voice call.

You turn quickly, coming face to face with Coriolanus Snow, who stood still dressed in his uniform somewhat out of breath. A file held tightly in his fisted hands.

"Is Sejanus alright?" He asked staring at your wounded shoulder then, to your bloodied arm. "What did you do?"

"What I had to, in order to save him." You snap staring at Snow with some nerve. Why was he here?

He then Looked from you, to the door. "You're seeing Dr Gaul?" You didn't look at him or respond, choosing to stay silent.

This seemed to annoy him as he walked past you. "If you're coming, I suggest entering now. She doesn't like to be kept waiting."

You let out a sigh, as Snow watched you. His annoyance turning into aggravation. Slowly you follow behind Snow, staring at the large yellow jars of.... Inhuman beings. All either asleep or dead, you really couldn't tell.

The large room was dimly lit by a yellow light in the corner of the large room, a light that bounced off the walls, but not enough to reach the dark corners.

"The solider stormed down. Down on her masters head! Down on his head! Now the snow falls and yet, her master is..." you heard Dr Gaul call in a tone of, confidence and singsong as you walked in, metal arm in hand.

As you rounded the corner, you finally see her stood near a table. A sickening smirk on her face, her hands clasped together as she watched you in delight.

"You have had enough of the games tonight miss Y/n? Come sit." You pause for a moment.

Her smile drops as she turns towards the table. "I'll stitch you up."

Snow nudges you forward. "Go." He whispers as he heads towards another table placing the file down.

You slowly walk over, taking a seat, beginning to unbutton your shirt revealing your arm and shoulder for Dr Gaul to better see.

"Who could imagine Crassus Snows baby boy, and a girl from district seven walking into my lab together hm? I couldn't."

She smiles as she begins to clean your wound. You could see Snow grimace in the corner of your eye, watching her actions.

After a long moment, she then lets out a sickening chuckle.

"And who could imagine me, sending in a lapdog from the Plinths to save my games.." she then fixes the thread through the needle readying it to pierce your skin.

"What happened in there that's humanity at its undressed. Fuelled with the terror of becoming prey, see how quick we become predators?" She questions you. You could feel the needle in the tendants of your shoulders forcing you to shiver slightly.

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