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A/N: I edited the chapter a little cuz I forgot to add something


Fyodor watched his fellow mates play with the little ginger. Feeling the urge to say something, he cleared his throat, catching the attention of the other three in their hideout. 

The dual haired man, as caring as he was, worriedly asked "Are you okay, Dostoyevsky? Do you have a cold?" 

"No" The raven haired man replied. He asked Chuuya to come to him and the little boy ran to him wondering what was the matter.

"Chuuya kun" Fyodor said in a serious tone "I think you need to study too. You play all day and that's NOT good"

Chuuya furrowed his brows, not liking the idea one bit. The raven haired man sighed and continued

"You need to have a balance in life Chuuya. You already have been missing—"

He stopped, scrunching his nose, clearly racking his brains. He then turned to Sigma and asked 
"How do you say 'school' in russian again?"
"Why do you need to say school in Russian in the first place?" Sigma asked, looking at Fyodor weirdly
"Ah-no I meant, how do you say 'school' in Japanese?"
"......but you ARE saying it in Japanese" Sigma replied, clearly freaked out if Fyodor had finally lost his marbles
"ah...right" Fyodor turned back to Chuuya, leaving a very freaked out Sigma with his thoughts "You have been missing school, and it would be bad on your grades"

Sigma turned to Nikolai and whispered in his ear, "I think Dostoyevsky is starting to lose it. That can't be because of the pregnancy, it's not normal. Do you think we should take him to a hospital and get him checked? It  can be bad for your baby you know"

"For The hundredth fucking time I'M NOT PREGNANT. IT'S CALLED HAVING BILINGUAL PROBLEMS YOU IDIOT" Fyodor yelled, rolling his eyes while Nikolai chortled, whose will of not giving Chuuya back was growing every passing minute
"Anyways! You need to study!" The raven haired man scolded Chuuya

"But I study at school!" Chuuya replied, exasperated
"Well Sherlock, you aren't going to school currently"
"Not my problem"
"Sigma, you talk to him" Fyodor facepalmed, giving up at convincing this stubborn head to study 

Sigma pondered at Fyodor's words for a minute and then looked at Chuuya. Crouching down to Chuuya's level, he asked "Do you want to study Chuuya kun? I can help you catch up to your schoolwork"

Chuuya, after thinking for 5 whole minutes, pouted and replied "No, I don't wanna"

"But if you don't study, every one in your class will know how to read and write but you, And then they'll make fun of you" Sigma reasoned, trying to convince Chuuya to study. Sure they had kidnapped him but they didn't want the child's future to suffer because of that

"Maybe we should let everyone make fun of him. Then he'll understand how important it is to study" Fyodor added, nonchalantly, to provoke Chuuya

"Chuuya can read! And Chuuya can write too!" Chuuya shouted angrily. Who does this man think he is? How dare he think Chuuya is a dumb little kid who can't read or write. Chuuya is better than that!!

" can you?" Fyodor asked, raising his eyebrow in a mocking fashion

"YES!! Chuuya is faster than papa when it comes to writing!!" Chuuya yelled, pouting a little making his already chubby cheeks more chubby. Sigma, who was still crouching down, poked Chuuya's cheek happily, gushing at his cuteness.

"Well prove it then" Fyodor said to Chuuya. Even if Chuuya was a child, it was an accomplishment that Chuuya didn't realise Fyodor was provoking him only to have him study. 

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