Chapter 39: Pain and Joy

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As months passed Zelda's pregnancy continued with little issue but plenty of pain. Link did his best to help minimize her discomfort but the pain-dampening effect of his healing had its limits. Though it hurt her, Zelda liked feeling the twins' movements, to her it was a reminder that they were okay. Some nights Link could feel one kick him through Zelda. When it happened Link would thoughtfully rub Zelda's stomach as if to say everything would be alright. Their friends would stop by occasionally to see how they were doing which would lift Zelda's spirits when she was having a bad day. After making a few adjustments to her machine to make it more sensitive Purah had Zelda come in for regular checkups.

Purah: So tell me Zelda, how have you been holding up?
Zelda: I'm ready for this part to be over.
Purah moves the machine over to Zelda
Purah: In that case let's have a peek.
Zelda: So tell me how are the twins doing?
Purah: Despite the adjustments it still takes time to get a reading.
Purah Hands Zelda a Purah pad
Purah: But I have made it where you can see it easier.
Zelda: Interesting. The image is coming through!
Purah: I'm no expert but they are looking healthy.
Zelda: Can you tell how much longer?
Purah: Sorry, I'm just a scientist.
Link comes in
Purah: Just in time Link, come over and have a look at your future children.
Link: They are much bigger than last time.
Zelda: Ouch, mmm that one hurt.
Link: Tightening pains giving you problems again?
Zelda: Yes, could you-?
Link: Of course
Link uses his healing to ease the pain
Purah: Do you have this pain often?
Zelda: It started a few months ago but it has become more frequent.
Purah: That changes things. This much I do know, those pains, the more frequent they get the closer you are to holding your children in your arms.
Link nervously: What would you suggest?
Purah: This might be too soon but I would recommend you move to the infirmary, it's mostly empty so Zelda should have her pick of the beds.

Though Zelda wasn't excited at the thought of being stuck in a bed again Purah's tone made it sound more like an order than a request. Link helped her back to their house where they packed what few things they would both need and after a quiet meal they both left for the infirmary. To passers-by the nervousness from both Link and Zelda was palpable. Arriving, Zelda picked the corner bed and after setting their things down Link hung up blankets to give them a little privacy. Unfortunately for Link, the bed was only big enough for one person but it didn't bother him. Leaning against the bed Link would wake up some mornings with Zelda running her fingers through his hair.  As luck would have it the infirmary had a small kitchen and it was there Link was able to keep his mind busy but his thoughts always drifted back to Zelda and their unborn children. Knowing Zelda would still want to keep her mind busy, Altair would visit over the weeks with news about happenings outside of the infirmary walls. One day when Altaira was visiting a thought occurred to her about Link.

Altaira: Link I must apologize. I like others have been checking in on Zelda but we have neglected to check on you.
Link: I'm not great, I'm used to enduring my own pain but seeing Zelda hurting like this, it hits differently.
Altaira: You are sympathetic, you feel for others. I have heard some say how lucky you are to be married to Zelda but it's clear to me that it goes both ways, she is lucky to have you.
Link: Zelda is going through so much right now and she's so strong but it is nice to have someone ask how I am.
Altaira: The women tending to Zelda say it shouldn't be much longer.
Link: Yes, it should be soon. The joy of being able to hold the twins will make this pain worth it.
Altaira: Funny, Zelda said the exact same thing.
Link: (chuckle) Who do you think I heard it from?
Altaira: I should have guessed. But seriously I know you two will make good parents, with how you care for your apprentices, your people, it's clear as day to me.

At the sound of Zelda's cry Link and Altair came rushing in along with the women who had been tending to Zelda. Placing his hands on Zelda' Link poured on as much healing energy as he could to dampen the pain but it wasn't enough. Gripping Link's arm Zelda squeezed so tight Link thought she was about to snap it in two. That night was filled with cries of pain that echoed in the empty streets. But just as night gave way to day so too did the pain give way to relief and joy. Holding their children brought joy that could not be diminished for Link and Zelda. The next day when Purah came by to check on them Link and Zelda had a little surprise for her. They told Purah there was no one they trusted and relied on more than her, and because of that Link and Zelda both agreed that Purah should be the twin's godmother. Purah was speechless, never expecting to hear this. Accepting the role of godmother, Purah warned she might spoil the children with attention but Zelda just laughed saying she expected nothing less. As Tulin was the Rito representative he was the first of the sages to meet the twins and with speed rushed to send word to his peers. Eventually, Link and Zelda moved back into their house in Castle Town where they were met by the sages who had been preparing a celebration in secret. Riju brought swaddling blankets that could be folded to make carrying the infants easier. Sidon accompanied by Yona brought two pairs of rattles made from seashells with colors so mesmerizing Zelda could hardly look away herself. Tulin and Yunobo worked together on their gifts, combining the talents and resources of their people to make a pair of sturdy cradles with a Rito-down bed. The celebration went on for quite some time but the time came when Link and Zelda felt drained and seeing this the sages left congratulating them one last time. Before she left Riju handed Link and Zelda one last thing, the crowns Isha had spent months painstakingly crafting.

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