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Hi, I'm back!! To those of you who have been waiting for more of my writing, this is for you. For those of you that are new, I'm Lie and I write Stray Kids fanfiction for fun and to cry over sometimes. I usually write full length fics, but sometimes I write short drabbles in the meantime. 

I'll keep it short, sweet, and to the point. All these drabbles are written from a second person point of view, so they take place from your perspective. Some of these you'll relate to and others maybe not so much, so you'll have to use your imagination. Most of them are vague, so it's easier to imagine yourself actually experiencing them. 

They're also gender neutral unless otherwise specified at the beginning of the drabble. I think everyone should be able to read my drabbles and enjoy them. Therefore, I try to stay away from giving specific details like eye, hair color, pronouns, etc. 

Some of these might also seem a little repetitive and I am completely aware of that. There is only so much you can do when drabbling. Plus, some of these are older, so the writing might not be great. These are purely for fun, with the exception of a few more serious drabbles, so don't take them too seriously. Maybe, eventually, I'll take your requests. When that time comes, I'll send out a whole thing about it. 

Feel free to be delusional in the comment section. The only thing I ask of you is to not fight with each other. I've seen some people on some social media platforms calling the members their husbands and then people fight over who will be with who. We're all here to have fun, not to get into fights. 

And don't leave comments belittling other members of the band. I'm sure you have your favorite members and the members you don't like as much, but I don't want to hear about it. I don't want to read a comment about you berating someone because you don't think they have a good voice or you think they bring nothing to the band. Keep that to yourself.

So please, just be nice to each other. We can all be delusional and pretend we're in different realities or something. I hate when people are mean for the dumbest reasons. The last thing this fandom needs is more people being cruel to each other. The members of Stray Kids themselves literally picked this path because they want to make music and make people happy. 

We're here to enjoy good music, laugh, cry, and maybe fall in love with a member or two or all eight along the way. 

There is no exact date that I'll post these. Some of these, I get the ideas randomly out of the blue. Now that I've rambled, I'll let you begin your journey of reading the drabbles. Enjoy!! 

<3 Lie

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