Straight shooter

301 6 33

Genre: Mafia AU

Hyunjin finds you in your office and begs you to help him take down a new enemy and some of his guys.

Mature audience warning for: Mania and recklessness, violence, suicide bomber, guns, grenades, blood, brief torture scene, cheating significant other, and causal smart-assery.

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To experience mania was the closest thing to becoming a walking god. You felt every thump of your heartbeat in your chest with a dazed look in your eyes. The mountain of euphoria you were sitting on was unshakeable. The nine-hundred milligrams of caffeine pulsing through your veins wasn't helping your restlessness.

Your heart was thudding fast enough that it could burst at any moment. You should have been concerned, but you didn't care when you were like this. You didn't care about anything in this state. How could you? You were untouchable.

You could swan dive off a building and come out fine. Your confidence had sky-rocketed and so had your ignorance. The mania was blocking your rationality. The caffeine helped to alter your wired perception of the world.

Another day in your office had come and gone. Office worker by day and gang leader by night. Nobody ever suspected someone as sweet as you. Sweet as sugar, but lethal as a deadly poison deep down. Everyone had sides of themselves they hid and you were no different.

Your feet tapped together on your desk. You laughed at the sound and stretched your feet forward. The blood rushing through your veins was electrified. What would you do tonight? What chaos would you create?

Leaning back into your leather chair, you took another sip of the sickly sweet energy drink when your office door burst open. Hwang Hyunjin collapsed the moment the door opened. His chest heaved and he patted at the ground with his hands stretching towards you.

"How the fuck did you get in?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Please!" He got out breathlessly. "You've gotta help me! He's killing-" He sucked in a deep breath. "He's killing all my men! His guys are slaughtering mine!"

You stared at him unamused and took another loud sip of your drink. He brushed a forearm over the sweat soaking his forehead. Dressed in black cargo jeans and a skin tight matching nylon long sleeve shirt, he was a wreck.

Dried blood stuck to his busted bottom lip. A purple bruise highlighted the left side of his cheekbone. His hair was slicked back with a sticky layer of sweat. You took in his defeated stance and sighed.

"Please, I'll do anything! Just please help me stop them. You know that Dong-Seo is a threat to both of us. I'll do anything, please!" He collapsed his hands together and bowed.

You took pity on him. Dong-Seo came from another city to Seoul. You were the leader of your gang and Hyunjin was the leader of his. The two of you worked together occasionally, but never when it came to taking another group down.

You never liked sticking your nose in other people's business, but Hyunjin had a point. Ever since Dong-Seo showed up, your missions kept getting interrupted by unannounced visitors. You lost a few of your own men to Dong-Seo.

He was a vicious middle aged man who didn't play by the rules. Respect was earned in Seoul, but Dong-Seo took and took and took. He played dirty and he'd do anything to grow his gang and take over. Even if that meant ambushing one of your most prized men and sending them back to your headquarters with a suicide bomb.

You were lucky enough that you skipped the early morning meeting due to being home sick with the flu. Your assistant and thirteen other men weren't nearly as lucky. You couldn't lie, it pissed you off. Recruiting new members wasn't something you took lightly.

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