Chapter 2: Grandma'ams Prediction

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The Snow siblings arrived at their apartment. The Grandma'am was in a state and Tigris was crying.

"Coriolanus!" The Grandma'am wailed. "Are you alright? Did those animals get to you too?"   

"I'm fine, Grandma'am... We're both fine."

"I've gotta get out of these clothes" Rosella said, retreating to her room.

"Ro..." Tigris said, getting up from her chair. "Let me help..."

Coriolanus followed his cousin and sister to Rosella's room. Rosella looked like she was about to explode, but was desperately holding herself together. He knew she wouldn't cry in front of the Grandma'am. Or say much for that matter. She did her best to make herself invisible at home. But with just himself and Tigris, she began to hyperventilate as she ripped off the academy jacket.

"Here," Tigris said, pulling a fluffy purple blanket off the bed and wrapping it around her cousin's shoulders. "I'll wash your uniform okay? Sit with Coryo," she lowered her to the bed and Coriolanus opened his arms to hold her. Tigris ran off with the uniform. Everyone knew she was happy to focus on clothes when she was upset.

Rosella started to sob properly. Not like the startled screams at the zoo, or the silent tears walking home, but heaving, gasping for air, sobbing. Coriolanus felt his eyes leak tears too. He didn't know what to do, so he just held her close and rubbed her back firmly.

"Just breathe, deep breaths," Coriolanus whispered into his sister's hair. "It's going to be okay. You did so well. There was nothing more you could have done."

"It's not just Arachne," Rosella choked out. "It's all of them. All of those kids. They didn't do anything Coryo. We don't treat criminals this badly."

Coriolanus thought about this. It was true. In the capitol prisons, you at least had food and shelter. You didn't have people gawking at you like caged zoo animals.

Rosella continued. "And the girl... Arachne's tribute. It's not her fault either. Her life ended the minute she was reaped and she knew it. She was so desperate for that sandwich she killed for it. How did we let it get to this point? How did anyone? And Arachne... she grew up here, where we're taught to taunt and starve people for entertainment. It's all she's ever known. It's the only way she thinks she can fit in... and get people to like her. And now both of them are dead because of this awful system... because of the roles they're forced to play... it's not fair. To anyone."

The Grandma'am appeared in the doorway. "Silence, child! You mustn't ever repeat such things. These rebels, these animals, are the reason you are an orphan. And they must be slaughtered!" She boomed.

"Those kids are not responsible for the death of either of my parents. Even if they were, I still wouldn't want any human being to be treated this way. I wouldn't even want animals treated this way!" Rosella yelled back, standing up from Coriolanus' lap.

The Grandma'am slapped her granddaughter across the face, causing her head to snap to the side.

"Grandma'am!" Tigris gasped, now standing behind her in the doorway. Coriolanus sprung from the bed and threw himself between his sister and grandmother.

"It's fine Coryo... she's confused," Rosella said quickly.

"Don't ever touch her again..." Coriolanus snarled.

"Grandma'am, I think you should get to bed." Tigris said.

"It is up to us now. To continue your father's," she looked to Coriolanus and Rosella, "and your uncle's," she looked to Tigris, "legacy! To avenge him! We must avenge his death! Or we shall all be dead! You especially!" She gave a pointed look at Rosella.

"Why would I be dead for not wanting to kill innocent people just for living in the same place as the people who killed him?" Rosella said, throwing her hands up in the air, exasperated. But the Grandma'am was done listening. She turned on her heel and stormed out.

"Rosella!" Coriolanus shouted. "Has she ever done that before?"

"Couple times," Rosella said, rubbing her cheek, seemingly unbothered.

"Oh, Rosie," Tigris whispered, bringing a hand to her mouth.

"It's not a big deal, guys. She's always hated me."

"You never told us she hits you!" Coriolanus said. He took Rosella's face in her hands and examined her cheek.

"I thought you knew..."

"Of course we didn't sweetheart... we would have done something..." Tigris said, starting to cry again.

"It's never going to happen again, Rosella. I won't let it." Coriolanus said firmly. "I'll never, ever, let anyone hurt you."

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