Chapter 2

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Skippable summary:
Will drifts off into a horrible headspace after Hannibal left with the last word.
He's back to being a cranky pessimistic mess who lets simple observations eat away at what's left of his self esteem.

"Dammit!!" Will angrily uttered through clenched teeth. How dare that smart mouthed painfully honest young man wind me up again, Will thought.
Hannibal had long left the vast gloomy space, but he never left poor Will's mind. *BZZZ*buzzed Will's phone. "Ugghh who wants to waste my time now.." Will sighed rubbing his temple and opening his messages.
'Hello Mr. Graham, I apologize if now is an inconvenient time but I have so many questions to ask' the text read.
Will finished all of his tasks and had nothing better to do, but wanted to tease the young man for getting on his nerves earlier.
'Yes it is a very inconvenient time young man. I'm very preoccupied and unable to answer any questions you may have at the moment' Will texted. 'That's too bad Mr. Graham, they happen to be rather important questions' the text read.
'Okay fine...then please ask away young man' Will texted.
'Please tell me where you are!!
Are you thinking terrible thoughts??
Did I upset you by being concerned about your well-being and mental state??
Have you drank any water yet?? It's past dinner time and I'm certain the answer is no.
Do you feel too vulnerable right now?? You should consider taking better care of yourself Mr. Graham' the lengthy text paragraphs read.
'None of these questions strike as important to me young man, maybe you should be more concerned about your own business and stay entirely out of mine' Will texted.
'I'm 21 years old going on 22 Mr. Graham, we can socialize like adults. Would it really be so bad if we became friendly?? You can't stay rude and secretive towards me forever Mr. Graham, your cold bitterness and over the top disinterest doesn't phase me' the text paragraph read.
'You're seriously testing my fleeting patience young man. I'm not telling you where I am or answering your other questions. Goodnight!!' Will texted before turning off his phone out of frustration.
He hurriedly gathered his stuff together before heading out and speed walking to his car. When he reached 6 feet away from his car he noticed a tall young figure standing next to his driver door. "Ohh fuck!!" Will groaned loudly.
"Mr. Graham, I was worried about you. I actually have something for you" Hannibal called out.
Will continued walking forward huffing with a scowl on his face.
"What is it that you don't understand about leaving me alone young man?? Didn't your parents teach you how to respect other people's wishes and boundaries. Good god where the hell did they go wrong with you??" Will laughter cried hysterically.
"My parents are dead Mr. Graham, it's a tragic accident that I don't like talking about" Hannibal said with tears welling in his eyes.
Will's eyes widened out of shock and regret, he set his stuff down on the hood of his car and pulled a crying quivering Hannibal into a hug.

Will teaches young man Hannibal a lessonWhere stories live. Discover now