Chapter 15: Disputable Tease

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Skippable summary:
Hannibal took what he thought was a chance to dominate Will.
But the older man being two childish steps ahead of him quickly spoiled his excitement.

"Put your hands behind your neck and upper back" Hannibal instructed.
"That's perfect, now hold that position while I find something to restrain you" Hannibal continued.
Hannibal was preoccupied frantically searching through his organized bag.
Will quickly took the opportunity to stand up.
He buttoned his shirt, zipped and buttoned his jeans, and finally buckled his belt.
"I suppose these can work.." Hannibal sighed pulling out a janky tangled pair of wired earbuds that didn't work anymore.
Will rolled his eyes holding in a chuckle, the young man's creativity never disappointed.
"Wait patiently Mr. Graham, I promise this will be worth your while" Hannibal smirked slowly and strategically untangling the earbuds.
Will took advantage of the vast darkness by quietly dumping every trash can all over the floor, knocking everything off of desks and counters, and emptying every cabinet and drawer of their contents.
He grabbed his laptop and belongings stealthily sneaking towards the door, and now he waited.
"Thank you for being patient and polite to me this time Mr. Graham" Hannibal said only to look up to an empty chair.
"Mr. Graham??" Hannibal called out lost and sad.
"Surprise young man!!" Will hissed turning on the bright ceiling lights with an evil grin.
Hannibal's eyes widened in shock, he was too stunned to move and speak.
"Look around yourself young man, go ahead take it all in" Will laughed softly.
"Why would you do this Mr. Graham?!" Hannibal scolded crossing his arms with an angered gaze.
"Why not??, two people can mutually pull stunts young man" Will growled fixating his vengeful gaze onto Hannibal.
"You didn't have to resort to making multiple messes Mr. Graham, we could've had a proper discussion like adults" Hannibal said remaining calm.
"I informed you of my boundaries many times young man, and you still repeatedly disrespected and violated them!!" Will yelled.
Tears welled dripping from Hannibal's eyes, he was too scared to keep arguing with Will.
"Don't cry your way out of guilt again, I'm not falling for it this time!!" Will continued.
Hannibal looked up at him with wide red teary eyes and quivering lips that struggled to speak.
"I-I've been nothing but-" Hannibal started only to get cutoff.
"'ve been nothing but a spiky rotten lingering pain up my fucking ass!!" Will yelled.
"You look real small and pathetic, I wonder what professor would think of his precious little pet if he could see you this way right now" Will laughed.
"I have enough respect, discipline, and manners not to throw a childish temper tantrum this way" Hannibal scolded.
"Really young man?? Your crossed arms and pouty tearful face don't give the impression" Will scoffed.
"He certainly knows me better than to trash his instructional space!" Hannibal cried.
"If you're the respectful well mannered student who you pretend to be, then clean this shit up and get the space back into working order!!" Will demanded.
"I'll more than happily oblige when you learn how to give instructions politely and rid your tone of that rudeness" Hannibal said.
"Fuck that!! Either you follow my instructions and stay on professor's good side or sit there like a fucking brat while I email a report to professor and the dean!!" Will yelled.
"Alright Mr. Graham" Hannibal sniffled pretending to gather trash.
"Good!!" Will smiled turning towards the door.
Hannibal ran up to Will and pushed him against the door tackling him to the floor in between the hall and doorway.
"HEY WHAT THE FUCK!!" Will screamed catching the attention of nearby students and staff.
Hannibal sprung forward without any thoughts and sprinted away from a blindly enraged Will.

Will teaches young man Hannibal a lessonWhere stories live. Discover now