Chapter 4: Gorgeous, sweaty, oblivious Mr. Graham..

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Skippable summary:
Will mysteriously feels sleepy out of nowhere and doesn't find it that suspicious despite being a chronic insomniac.
Hannibal acts on his forced opportunity to find out more about Mr. Graham and explore the depths that wouldn't normally be shared or revealed.

Will suddenly felt sleepy and went to brush his teeth. He laid down in bed and turned on the TV watching American Psycho until eventually falling asleep halfway through the movie.
Hannibal casually entered the apartment building and walked to Will's door.
He called the number for maintenance and dramatically fake cried into his phone about being locked out of 'his' apartment.
He remembered every rude and inconsiderate thing Will told him, every time that Will was dismissive and blew him off, every time Will left him on read, every email left unanswered, and every call Will didn't answer to channel tears of sadness.
He was sobbing hard with his eyes and face saturated red in seconds and sat with his back against the door and arms hugging his legs for more dramatic effect.
"Oh my god dude, are you alright?!" the concerned maintenance man asks.
"No I'm not, my boyfriend has been utterly rude to me and doesn't make an effort to be vulnerable and trust me. He doesn't know how to appreciate genuine love and tells me I do too much and he constantly wants space. It's been a long day and he's hurt my feelings, I just want to cry myself to sleep now.." Hannibal cried.
"Geez kid, you seem like a nice delightful pain in the ass and your boyfriend sounds like a real hit.
Give his cranky ass time, he'll come to his senses and see what he's got" the maintenance man laughed unlocking the door.
"Here you are kid, good luck with your boyfriend" the man said. "Thank you sir, I apologize for venting to you without permission" Hannibal said.
"It's okay kid, we all have our bad times. Take it easy, will ya" the man said with a smile before walking away.
Hannibal quickly entered quietly and gently closed the door to avoid waking Will up. He was off put by the movie and turned off the TV climbing in bed next to Will and cuddling his sweaty body.
"You're so gorgeous Mr. Graham, I hope you're not scared that I memorized your license plate and secretly followed you home. I fantasized about this for so long, but it took me a lot of courage to act on it" Hannibal said playing with Will's hair.
He felt horny all of a sudden and didn't know why, he needed to satisfy himself but didn't want to wake up Will or try out penetration yet.
He took off all of his clothes except for his panties and sat on Will's covered cock bulge.
He held his boobs and rubbed his nipples until they were hard.
He started grinding his vulva and clitoris against Will's bulge pinching and twisting his nipples at the same time.
"Ohh ohh Mr. Graham" Hannibal repeatedly moaned softly so Will couldn't hear him. Will's cock slowly became erect and Hannibal accidentally squirted staining both his panties and Will's boxers.
"Oh no.." Hannibal quietly whined. He grabbed his clothes and headed to the bathroom out of panic.

Will teaches young man Hannibal a lessonWhere stories live. Discover now