Chapter 7: Stop being nervous young man

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I'm uncomfortable right now Mr. Graham..
Skippable summary:
Hannibal didn't expect Will to see him nude and vulnerable so soon, much less without being grouchy and verbally aggressive.
Will wants answers about how and why Hannibal broke into his apartment and what he was doing before getting caught.
Hannibal literally being naked and vulnerable gave Will confidence and smugness that he lacked before. He had the upper hand for once and he was going to milk it to full advantage.

"What's the matter young man, is this the first time another person saw you naked post puberty? I won't judge if you're circumcised or smaller than average, I've seen a lot of penises before" Will laughed.
"I'm uncomfortable right now Mr. Graham and I don't find this side of you to be very humorous, you're speaking and behaving like a typical rude, disgusting, perverted man" Hannibal scolded.
He silently froze unsure of what to say or do anymore, he felt trapped and exposed. All he wanted was to put on the shirt and boxers without Will seeing his boobs and vagina.
"Stop being nervous young man, nobody has to know I saw your bare ass. I promise not to tell and save you embarrassment" Will said standing on a chair becoming eye level with Hannibal.
"I'm not stupid, I know you put a sleeping aid in the dish, straddled me in my sleep, and messed around with my laundry pile.
I can excuse the drugging, breaking and entering, and somnophilliac dry humping, but not licking and tasting my dirty used underwear!!" he scolded leaning forward bringing Hannibal's face closer to his.
Hannibal instinctively headbutt Will causing him to fall off the chair and land on his back. He ran to the bathroom closing the door in Will's face and locking him out so he can get dressed in peace.
"Okay you bratty perv, you can hide in there as long as you'd like but I'll eventually need to pee and will break this fucking lock if I have to!!" Will shouted. Hannibal shuddered upon hearing Will's anger and awful words from the other side of the door and quickly put on the shirt and boxers.
He slowly opened the door and hesitantly walked out looking at Will with scared eyes.
"Your nipples are really hard and you've got major shrinkage down there young man, your penis looks nonexistent" Will laughed hysterically sat in a chair across the space.
"I'm still cold from being wet earlier Mr. Graham, this isn't very funny" Hannibal scolded with a pouty face. He felt very flustered in Will's presence for the first time and realized he had lost control.
"You were wet earlier young man?? Is that why I woke up hard with a wet spot on the front of my boxers...Hmm??" Will teased smirking and raising his eyebrow.
"Waking up erect with ejaculation soaked boxers is very common for most men, how are you sure it was my fault Mr. Graham?" Hannibal asked.
"Please come here young man, I'm not gonna hurt you" Will said motioning his fingers.
Hannibal hesitantly walked forward until he shyly stood in front of Will intensely staring up at him. "What is going on Mr. Graham, have I upset you?? Am I in trouble?? I don't feel good about how displeased you look right now..." he panicked.
"I'll tell you what's going on and whether you're in trouble or not if you'd be a dear and crouch down, lean forward, and just come a little closer young man" Will said slightly panting.
Hannibal complied leaning forward attempting to kiss Will, but was soon stopped when his chin was suddenly held in place by a firm grip with callous fingertips.
"We aren't there yet young man but I can spare you a little something for now" Will chuckled leaning forward and pulling Hannibal's worried face closer. "Now close your gorgeous eyes and open your pretty mouth for me young man" Will said smiling. Hannibal complied without hesitation this time only to feel Will's sharp teeth digging into his lip and biting off a small chunk. "Owwww!!" he cried with tears welling in his eyes.
"We're not done yet young man, you have one more penalty to pay" Will taunted mischievously grinning. "I assume I'm not allowed to ask what this penalty might be without bearing further extreme consequences" Hannibal muttered sounding flustered and broken down.
"You're correct young man!!" Will cackled excitingly smacking Hannibal's ass.
"AHHH!" Hannibal yelped and shuttered.

Will teaches young man Hannibal a lessonWhere stories live. Discover now