Chapter 9: Fuzzy Morning

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Skippable summary:
They both start the morning fairly pleasant peacefully coexisting which somehow transitions to cloudy uncertain energy before they part ways to individually reflect and prepare for later on's session.

Will woke up surprised to find himself snuggled up in Hannibal's arms and chest.
Damn he has a comfortable chest for being a man, Will thought.
Not wanting to wake the peacefully sleeping young man in his bed, he carefully and gently loosened Hannibal's grip slowly wiggling out of it until he was free.
He sat up and stayed for a few minutes observing Hannibal to make sure he didn't awake before heading to the shower.
Will's mind wandered as he completed his morning routine and he came back to a still asleep Hannibal.
He let him sleep while making coffee, eggs and toast. Will never really had an appetite most mornings, but he wanted to be polite for the young man who was a pain in his ass.
Once it was ready Will repeatedly booped Hannibal's nose and kept saying "Wake up young man" until his eyes opened and he let out a soft little yawn.
"You're still alive!! the doctors said you wouldn't make it.." Will joked with a smirk.
"I was never dead Mr. Graham, pessimistic doctors don't undermine my strength and desire to live" Hannibal said.
"Impressive young man, you should've studied acting instead of psychology" Will laughed.
"I appreciate theatrics and many art forms but my heart lies within psychology" Hannibal said. "Listening to you talk when you're not interrogating and psychoanalyzing me is actually fascinating, now I can see why professor likes you so much" Will said with a bright smile.
"Slowly you're coming to realize that I'm not so bad once you peel back my layers, this is amazing progress Mr. Graham!!" Hannibal said excitedly with a huge smile.
"Don't get too cocky young man!!" Will teased swooping up Hannibal bridal style.
"Put me down Mr. Graham please!!" Hannibal begged giggling and squealing. "Nope not yet!!" Will laughed.
Will ran around the apartment a few times making Hannibal dizzy with laughter before carefully sitting him at the small dining table.
Hannibal zoned out for a minute until his vision returned to normal.
"Are you alright young man?? I hope I didn't scramble your brain like I did those eggs" Will teased.
"I'm a bit better now, can I please have aspirin with my breakfast?" Hannibal asked politely.
"Sure I'll go grab it real quick" Will said disappearing into the bedroom.
Hannibal ate still feeling dazed and confused by what had just happened, he zoned out not hearing footsteps and rattling.
"Young man are you alright?? You look out of it" Will said. "I'm sorry Mr. Graham, I didn't mean to-" Hannibal uttered.
"It's okay, you don't owe me an explanation" Will reassured.
"Thank you for the food, aspirin, and somewhat taking care of me last night Mr. Graham" Hannibal said.
"It's fine, I'm glad it was you instead of a potential thief or killer" Will laughed.
"Be cautious of what you say and do Mr. Graham, I can always become a killer later on in life if I'm not already one" Hannibal said.
"Ooh I'm scary little young killer Lecter" Will mocked.
"Please stop before I consider making you one of my key ingredients" Hannibal said.
"Are you gonna turn me into stew?? how scary I should seriously run for my life" Will laughed.
"I don't appreciate your growing sarcasm Mr. Graham, I believe I should be heading home now before I become moody and prone to lashing out" Hannibal scolded grabbing his last night's clothes. Will stood in front of the apartment door sternly looking up at Hannibal.
"I'm not a friendly compliant hostage I must warn you Mr. Graham" Hannibal said earning a scowl from Will.
"I don't like this smartass side of yours young man, I'm sorry for pushing your politeness but you're not walking home in the goddamn cold!!" Will scolded back through gritted teeth.
"I'm glad you care so much about me Mr. Graham but I can't and won't stay here forever" Hannibal said.
"I'm driving you home young man, lose your damn attitude" Will said.
Hannibal just stayed quiet trying not to cry from Will's fowl language and loss of patience.
"That's better young man, now let's go" Will said opening the door letting Hannibal go first.
They walked to the car and got in without saying anything to each other.
"If you wanna pout this whole time fine, but at least tell me which address to type in the GPS" Will sighed.
It wasn't long before the GPS voice blurred with the awkward silence while Hannibal looked outside the window with tears streaming down his face. Everything had literally begun to blur.
At this point Will was too cranky and fed up with Hannibal's mood swings that he decided to just let him be. The entire car ride was completely miserable for both men in different ways.
The loud automated "You have arrived" startled Hannibal out of his daze.
"It's okay young man, you're home now" Will said. "Oh-thank you for the ride Mr. Graham" Hannibal muttered quickly exiting the car and frantically unlocking his front door.
Will waited until Hannibal went inside and shut the front door before driving away. "I need a fucking drink.." Will sighed rolling his eyes.

Will teaches young man Hannibal a lessonWhere stories live. Discover now